55 - A New Style

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[ Short Chapter today! :/ ]

Everyone had a shock expression. Jim had thought he hit Blake by accident, instead, Blake's hair was sliced up. The rest of her platinum hair was still in Ikarus' hand and some strands were on the ground.

Blake stands up with her hands still strained behind her back. She looks at Ikarus and walks toward him with a furious expression. Blake kneels down and leaned closer to Ikarus' face.

"Don't ever come near me again," Blake whispered, she gets up and throws her leg up, "you psychopath!" she slams the heel of her foot on Ikarus' face that knocked him out with just that, then she just left towards her friends. Blake asked Jim to cut the plastic tie behind her. He summoned his sword and did what he was told to.

"Who was that?" Claire questioned. Blake glances at Claire.

Blake hid her face, "just an old friend when I was living in Detriot for a year. Anyways, let's all go home and rest up and get ready for tomorrow's training," Blake recommends.

The Trollhunters leave the warehouse and went to their homes.

Blake goes home with a feeling of something new. Not just her hair but the whole entire place. Their cafe, iTea, had new appliances, furniture, chairs and tables, and new items on the menu for drinks and international dishes.

She goes upstairs to find the whole place was rearranged as well. Blake sighs and goes upstairs slowly and headed to her room where her older sister, Skyler was sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Hello, Blake. It's been a while," Skyler says with a serious tone of voice and posture.

Blake looked at her with a stern expression, "yeah, sure has,"

"You've been distant for a while for the past few days - weeks even! And you cut your hair!?" Skyler points out.

Her long platinum hair was now a messy short hairstyle. Blake looked in the mirror and finally saw what her hair looked like. It was uneven and all over the place and covered with dirt patches.

Skyler sighs softly, "wow, we are sighing a lot of today. Want me to fix it up for you? I did have two years of experiences of haircutting," Skyler suggested as she flipped her hair as sparkles surrounded her.

"Sure, just don't make me bald," Blake says sarcastically.

Skyler smirks, "unless if you want me to--"

"Don't! Just make it into a Mop Crop,"

"Ok, ok, ok. I'll go get my haircut equipment in my room," Skyler exited the room and went to get her equipment. Blake just sat on her chair while looking at the mirror and her reflection. While she was waiting, she thought of writing in a notebook.

'Darkness Consumption of the Midnight Amulet. The Midnight Amulet is not just an amulet that can give you your Midnight Armour. It kills you slowly trying to take over you. My name is Blake Ryder, the 5th Midnight Trollhunter and those who are reading this. Here is what you need to know about the Midnight Amulet...'

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