20 - Breaking News

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Blake was sleeping on her desk during class, paying no attention to what's in front of her. She never should've taken that all-nighter study session on that book, "The History of the Amulets", it made her brain go gooey and her eyes sore.

"Blake..." Blake can hear her name being called out to her.

She groans, "five more... minutes..." Blake's voice faded as she dozes off into a deep sleep once more.

"Blake!" They shouted into her ear. Blake groans and covers her ear, she could still hear the echoing of her name in her ear. Blake opens her eyes and saw Mary.

Blake groans in annoyance, "what is it, Mary?" she rubs her eyes and stretches.

"Girl, we have to go to the assembly!" Mary grabbed Blake by her arm and dragged her out of the classroom and into the assembly.

Everyone was cheering and trumpets were playing in the background, Blake could hear the place getting louder by the second. She wanted to cover her ears and go running out of the gymnasium but with Coach Lawrence being the one presenting in front of the gym makes her feel frozen.

"Give me an A!" Coach Lawrence demands. Everyone does as he says.

"Give me an R!" He commands as the students follow what he says and the mole making the letters in the background.

"This is taking too long," Coach Lawrence mutters before shouting again, "give me an 'adia'! What's that spell?" everyone in the gym overlapped some confusing dialect.

He scoffs, "Arcadia!" he shouts and everyone cheers loudly. The mole mascot jumps in front of Coach Lawrence but he didn't want the mole to take his spotlight so he pushed them out of the way.

Blake didn't want to be there right now. She'd rather sit at home, watch some Netflix and eat a couple pieces of chocolate. Her ideal fun time alone. Her train of thoughts was suddenly ruined by the mole making the coach furious and told them to go back. Everyone laughed.

"Okay. Principal Levit has taken ill with the flu. He asked me to handle announcing the students the faculty's nominated for the year-end Spring Fling King and Queen," Blake leaned in and actually started to listen in.

One of the nominees were Shannon Longhannon. Everyone cheered for her, but Mary wasn't cheering for her. She had a worried expression but it quickly turned into a frown.

"It's gonna be you," Mary declares.

"No, it's not,"

"Yes, it is, every year," Mary sulks.

Claire greets her friend who came into the gym and sat a row behind them, "and every year, I don't care," Claire leans back.

"Darci Scott!" Darci was overjoyed and everyone applauds for her. Claire looks back at Jim as Coach Lawrence was going to announce the third nominee for the Spring Fling Queens'. She smiles when she makes eye contact with Jim.

"Mary Wang!" Claire's smile immediately turned upside down. Mary was overjoyed that she was glad that Claire didn't get nominated and that she was.

Blake was surprised that Mary would be that excited about someone not being nominated for the Spring Fling. Claire was surprised herself that she didn't expect that her friend was chosen and not her. Blake noticed that 'She was expecting herself to the nominated,' Blake thought to herself with a smug.

Coach Lawrence began with the boys. Blake turns to Mary and taps on her shoulder, "what is Spring Fling King and Queen?"

Mary dramatically gasps, "were you sleeping under a rock? It's the only best time of the year. There are three kings and queens and they compete for the throne through a series of challenges and one king and queen will be announced as the official King and Queen of Spring Fling!" Mary squealed. Blake got some understanding but she doesn't follow what kind of traditions they have at Arcadia High.

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