57 - The New Kids

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[ This chapter is going to be about Blake meeting Aja and Krel officially and learning something new about her current boyfriend. And since there is going to be a new rewritten part of this entire book. The connections between Trollhunters and 3BELOW are not accurate ]

Blake just got a text from Claire that she was feeling way better and getting ready for school with a bunch of smiley faces. Blake awkwardly smiled and laughed. As Blake walked around the school grounds getting ready for the first period, which was Physical Ed.

Blake decided to head there first and get changed before anyone else. Blake runs her body on her stomach, sides, and arms. She could feel the scars on her body. Most of them she can remember and some of them she doesn't remember how she got them, but she knows it was from Detriot and from a young age.

The bell rings after long thought about being in Detriot and having a history there made time go by fast. She gets out of the changing room and started to warm up for the upcoming activities.

Everyone else entered the gym and did the same as Blake, "Alright, new kids will climb the ropes," Coach Lawrence announces. Blake looked up from stretching and her eyes widen slightly. It was the same kids she saw at the Burrito truck and the quarrel between the Latino and Steve. Blake stopped herself and watched them closely.

"Hey, Blake, do you want to--?" Toby tried to bring Blake's attention but he couldn't find her at all. He just wanted to talk about a certain event that was going to happen tonight.

Blake went toward the two new students and saw the girl ran toward the rope. The new student ended up climbing the rope and rang the bell with a large smile, "next challenge, please!" she shouts happily. Blake was impressed and shocked; she's never seen someone climb the rope that quick just by using their arm strength.

She had to meet them officially. Class ended after that and Blake quickly tried to find the new students and introduce herself to them.

After a few minutes of trying to find them, she was able to find them digging around in the science lab with no supervision. Eli was with them. Blake entered the room that the new kids were rummaging through, "hey, Eli, what's up?" Blake greeted.

"Nothing much--" Eli was suddenly cut off by a scoff.

"The ceiling, obviously, what else?" the new kid answered for Eli.

"Ha. Very funny, new kid - by the way, what's your name?" Blake questioned, looking at the new kids.

"I'm Aja, and over there is my little brother Krel. Nice to meet you!" Aja happily greeted as she pointed at her little brother.

"Your technology is so primitive," Krel stated while looking into the device's chip. Blake nervously chuckled.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Blake, Blake Ryder. You can come to me if you need any help with anything," Blake reassured the new students.

"Excellent! Do you know anything about a Daxial Array?" Krel questions.

Blake thinks for a moment, "I never heard a piece of technology of that kind, only graphs; I'll keep in touch with you if I find anything about a Daxial Array,"

"Finally, someone who doesn't think it's a band and pronounces it properly, unlike someone..." Krel glares at his sister. Aja angrily smiles. Blake laughed at their relationship with each other.

"Anyways, I'll see you guys later, I gotta go," Blake heads out of the science lab. As she was exiting she saw Senor Uhl walking down the hallways, "Hola, Senor Uhl. Cόmo etás?*"

"Muy bien, Blake, y tu?*" Senor Uhl says, slightly impressed.

"Etos bien! Que tangas un bien día!*" Blake waved at Senor Uhl and walked away. Blake had a sudden thought about the new students. They called them 'humans' and 'your technology'. It made Blake think about the new students and why they called Eli and Blake 'humans'. She shrugs it off.

She checks her phone and noticed a few missed calls from her boyfriend between an hour each and two text messages from him as well. Blake felt bad for not being able to hang out with Spenser for a few days ever since the news about the "Eternal Night" apocalypse on the Trollhunters mind. So, she had a plan: surprise Spenser and his twin sisters with a surprise visit. Blake waited for school to end to go shopping for a few things.

She got two Korean outfits for Ava and Eva since they both love Korean fashion more than American fashion. Blake always wanted to do a couples outfit match. So, she went for something simple and minimalistic clothes. She purchased them and had them gift wrapped.

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[ First picture: Ava and Eva's outfit

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[ First picture: Ava and Eva's outfit. Second Picture: Blake and Spenser's couple outfit ]

Blake made her way to the Day's house(I changed their last name) and quietly climbed into the hallway to hear talking from downstairs.

"Are you stupid!? We can't reveal ourselves to your girlfriend, she may be quiet but I have read that the quietest person can be the loudest--" Ava states.

"In the mind, yeah! But, I trust her, she kept a secret of not telling about the kind of trolls and goblins - even kept it a secret from her family and close friends to protect them and not cause mayhem!" Spenser protested.

Blake slowly went down the stairs and saw bright blue shining from the living room. She looks over the corner from the staircase. She gasped. Spenser, Ava and Eva were glowing. Literally glowing. The Days' hair was crystallized and glowing brightly like a gemstone in the daylight.

"What the hell?!" Blake exclaimed. The Days' looked up with a shocked expression, "you're, you're suffering from crystallization?!" Blake cried.

~ ~ ~


"Hello, Senor Uhl. How are you?"

"Very good, Blake, and you?"

"I'm fine! Have a nice day!"

A/N: Sorry for not publishing for three or four weeks. Right now, there is something big coming for me: my Graduation! It's about 49 - 48 days and I've been doing these sudden changes for me for my Graduation and they are overwhelming me that I didn't feel inspired to write anything at all. Anyways, I'll try and finish this before mid-May or at the end of May. Bai!

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