43 - Counting Jims

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Blake was jogging in Trollmarket, "I am so late!" Blake gasped. She sprinted toward the Heroes Forge. She made it and can see a glowing orange that filled the field of the Heroes Forge. She sighed and walked toward them.

"Oh, Blake, glad you could join us," Vendel says.

"Hey, Vendel!" Blake greeted with a slight smile. Jim turned his attention toward the entrance and Blake walking toward them.

"Blake, you here to train as well?" Jim questioned.

"No, I am just here to watch. You've achieved the Eclipse Amulet, I've earned mine way before you,"

"An Eclipse Amulet?"

"No, it's called the Dawn Amulet, but no one who possessed the amulet and all of the stones has not figured out the incantation. It's not written on the rings of the amulet,"

"No written incantation?"

"Nope, anyways, get on with your training," Blake says. Jim nods and continues with his training that involved with rare stones that helped the Daylight Trollhunters to achieve abilities on his missions. Gaining strength of a thousand heroes, invisibility, agility, and much more abilities.

Blake leaned on the wall beside Vendel as they both watched Jim handle the stones of many abilities. Blake may have laughed a little bit but she mostly could feel his pain about training with things that were unfamiliar to her. The pain, frustration, and confusion when learning new things that involved anything that was physical.

Jim and Blake exit the Heroes Forge. Jim groaned, "that was brutal!" Jim complains as he stretches.

"Hey, Jim and Blake. How was training?" Claire greeted with a question. Both of the Trollhunters looked up and noticed Claire and Toby getting ready for their part of their training. Jim smiled once he saw Claire. Blake smirked at Jim's reaction.

Claire clears her throat, "you wouldn't by chance wanna come to my parents' barbacoa?" Claire questioned. Jim wondered about the barbeque, "sure, My mom throws this thing with the teachers union to drum up support for her re-election. Ugh, it's such a drag. It's cool if you don't wanna. NotEnrique will be gone, it'll just be me there but--"

Jim cut her off, "I said I'd love to," Jim replies. Claire was excited.

"By the way, Blake is going!" Claire exclaims as she ran into the Heroes Forge to start her training. Jim looked at Blake in surprise and Blake was surprised herself.

"Why are you surprised about this?" Jim questioned.

Blake sighs, "I forgot, my mother is serving her new bubble tea there and it's for free because they are part of the union. My mother is good friends with Claire's mother as well," Blake explains while rubbing her eyes from the lack of sleep she's been having, "I'll see you there at the barbeque!" Blake exclaims as she ran to her cafe/house to find her mother and siblings getting ready and already in nice clothing.

Sky showed her clothes. The clothes that Sky picked in Blake's closet. It was a pastel pink sundress that revealed her shoulders and had small sleeves. No leggings. She was given some string tied sandals. Blake refused but her mother and siblings stared at her with evil smiles.

Blake ended up going to the barbeque with those clothes on Blake. She added her jean jacket to hide the formal look to make it casual.

"They're in the backyard with everyone else, I hope I have enough for everyone," her mother hopes as she exits the car with a tray of the new bubble tea.

"Iris! Welcome, and what's this?" Claire's mother greeted and saw the tray.

"The new drinks I am going to be selling soon in my cafe, you get free drinks and for everyone here~!" she smiles, she looks at her daughters and told them to hang around with others. Sky spoke to one of the adults in the yard and Ash went to play around.

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