48 - Evacuation

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Jim and Blake were both down in the Deep but they were able to climb up on the wall of the Deep. Blake broke her ankle on the impact of falling at an unsafe height. Blake was hanging onto Jim's shoulder as he was climbing with his sword.

"What made you came down here?" Jim questioned as he grunted.

"I don't remember, I think the darkness within me was taking control of me," Jim stopped when Blake answered his question.

"Is the days already getting close to end?"

"No, 11 days and a half - ten, maybe if it's already the next day on the surface - my time is almost done, Jim," Blake sniffled a little, "I just need Vendel to help me slow my condition and symptoms and he can figure out a way to cure me," she recovered herself.

They were getting closer towards the top, the closer they got the cheers and yelling of all of the troll-folk above as they were getting closer.

"Citizens of Trollmarket, the Trollhunters are both dead," Queen Usurna exclaims.

Both of the Trollhunters gasp and knew that she was lying. They kept holding onto the ledge and peered over the edge. They both denied that they were dead but they stood in the shadows.

"Vendel is also found dead, murdered by the Midnight Trollhunter!" Queen Usurna announces.

"No, I wouldn't kill Vendel. He was my only to find a cure for me..." Blake suddenly went silent and looked down. Jim helped Blake get back down as Queen Usurna decided to take control of Trollmarket.

Jim helped Blake walk into the Heartstone and found the group watching a scene of how Vendel died. Blake was relieved but she felt so angered about Queen Usurna becoming the changelings new master of Trollmarket.

"And she took control of Trollmarket," everyone gasped when they see Jim and Blake limping toward them with a sad expression.

Toby walked around and poked him to see if he was a ghost but he wasn't. Toby gave him a big hug. Claire hugged him as well. They wondered how both of their Trollhunters was alive and survived the Deep, claiming that no troll has ever made it out alive - they were no Trolls. Blake was assisted by Claire as Jim walked toward Vendel who was now in pieces of stone.

Jim blamed himself but Blinky knew that Vendel believed in him to make things right for Trollmarket. Jim had a plan already laid out, but first, they had to go to the Janus Order.

The elevator going down towards the Janus Order lair played elevator music as they all waited there awkwardly. Until Arrrgh started whistling and releasing a terrible smell of the breakfast burrito he had earlier.

The elevator door opened, everyone charged with their weapons ready but they come across a hall of bones and debris of the whole entire place. Blinky recommends to split up to cover more ground of the Janus Order.

Blake was limping with her armour on, Jim noticed it, "Blake, I think you should go home and rest and take care of your ankle," Jim tried to stop her from moving.

"It's fine!" Blake pushed him away, "I'll just--" Blake sat down and grabbed her ankle and foot. She twisted it back into place making a loud crack from her bones. She grunted loudly, but she withdrew the pain and circled her foot. It was now back to normal.

Jim cringed. Blake gets up and nodded. Toby went into one room while Jim and Blake can hear Mr. Strickler's voice getting louder in another room.

They entered the room with swords out. The door closed behind them and it shows a projection being played of Mr. Strickler talking about Gunmar and his return. Blake notices a large shadow coming up behind them. She turns around quickly and sees Gunmar growling, "Jim! Behind us!" Jim turns around and can also see Gunmar.

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