61 - No Silence

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Another test and another perfect score. That lecture last night and storytelling really inspired and motivated Blake to do good in her test. As she looked through her answers and comments from the teacher. Her phone began to ring, it was from her parents.

Blake quickly puts her test into her bag and answers, "hello, is there something wrong at the cafe?" Blake questions.

'No, I've been called by Barbara, Jim's mother, and they want to talk something about Jim. And apparently she invited Claire's parents and Toby's Grandma. I assume this has to do with your Trollhunting job,'

"Oh, okay, I won't tell the others. Jim did break a promise for his mother and he has to do this,"

'I agree with you, I'll see after school at Jim's place, that's where we're meeting. See you, sweetie'

Blake ends the call. She was going to wait for Jim and the others but she had other plans to attend to. She exits the school and gets onto her motorcycle. She looked down and saw her father's initial on the motorcycle, she smiles, "this may be the last time that I get to ride your motorcycle, father. I wish the world didn't have to go to an end..." she puts on her helmet and heads directly to Jim's place to meet her mother and Barbara.

She knocks on the door waiting for an answer. Footsteps approach the door and it reveals Barbara, "Blake? What are you doing here at this hour--? Nevermind, glad you are here, I think you need to talk," Blake enters the house and saw all of the Trollhunters parents and grandma in one place.

Blake nervously smiled. Blake takes a chair from the dining table and sits down in front of everyone.

Everyone leans in getting ready for the information they were going to take in, "for the most of you here, my name is Blake. I have something to tell. I am a Midnight Trollhunter," Blake brings out her amulet and summons her armor. Everything glowed and her eyes were engulfed of the purple flames, "it all started in New York, I found an Amulet which originally belonged to my sister, Sky, but she stepped down from this role. She didn't want me to find it nor my little sister, but I found it. It chose me as its champion to defeat the Daylight Trollhunter but I am trying to change it's way..." Blake went on and on about her Amulet.

Her Amulet was originally designed to defeat the Daylight Trollhunter and be on the GummGumm side. It was Merlin's first creation of an amulet but it was a failure because Morgana interfered with it. Blake tried to explain it as simple as she can to them about herself.

"Great, Blake! Now, can you explain to them about their children," Barbara demands politely.

Blake sighs, "I am sorry, but I cannot do that. They have to explain for themselves, I have plans. I will be off then," Blake heads out of the door and saw Jim, Claire, and Toby coming up to his house.

"Blake? What are you doing here?" Jim questioned.

"Well..." Blake looked behind her at Jim's house, "you'll have to see for yourselves," Blake says as she walks pass them and goes onto her motorcycle.

"Wait, where are you going?" Claire questions.

"I have plans with Spenser. I am going to a Bonfire with him and a few others. I'll see you later,"

~ ~ ~

Blake went to the Bonfire with Spenser. They were watching Shannon singing and strumming her guitar. Blake was smiling and Spenser's arm was around Blake's shoulder.

"So, about your curriculum activities, is it over yet? Or is the Eternal Night thing still going to happen?" Spenser whispered in Blake's ear.

Blake pushes him away, "oh, don't worry about that, and besides this is about us now. Away from all of the 'business' that I do. This is just what you wanted, time for ourselves without anything stopping me or you from our secret lives. You being a Gem and me being the Trollhunter. It's exhausting. So let's be together for as long as we can," Blake says, she leans on Spenser's shoulder and sneaked a kiss on his neck. He gasped and smirked at Blake's sudden kiss on the neck.

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