51 - New Face

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While Blake was running down the street she looked up into the night sky and say a purple/pink comet falling. Blake smiled but she quickly kept chasing the GummGumm down the street and through the backyards.

"We gotta catch them before he tells Gunmar where the hideout is!" Blake exclaims. The GummGumm turns on Arber Street where neither Claire and Jim had set up the signs on that street. A loud car alarm started to blare, Blake grunted by the loud sudden sound, "he's gonna wake the whole neighbourhood!" Blake warned.

Blake tried to catch up as fast as she could - she was a little bit out of shape for not training for a while and fighting weakly for the past month.

"I got it!" Claire coughs. Blake had a bad feeling, she looked beside her and Claire bring out her staff.

"Wait! Don't use your--" Blake and Jim tried to stop Claire from jumping into a shadow portal but the portal closed before it got to Claire.

Blake and Jim kept running after the GummGumm behind the yards of each house as the lights in each one turned on when they can hear the blaring car honking. Claire appears in front of the GummGumm, she tried to attack them but she ended up sneezing. She jumped out of the way. Jim wanted to help Claire but Claire insisted to not slow down for her. Blake helps Claire up, the light in the house turns on and the girls quickly get out of the yard.

Blake caught up to where Jim was but he was down, taken down by a metal chair. Blake ran passed Jim and saw the GummGumm in sight.

"Blinky! That's the wrong sign!" Toby exclaims. Blake gasped as she heard Blinky scream knowing that he was in trouble, she quickly gets out her sword. Blake jumps on the fence and uses it as a jumping stool and struck the GummGumm.

They were all relieved until the lights in the house turned on. Everyone immediately ran out of the yard and went away to their new hangout spot where the sunset and sunrise will always be amazing to look at over the city of Arcadia.

While the rest of the team Trollhunters, Blake ran up to the edge and stood there, feeling a slight breeze hit her face and with that, it made her feel calm after tonight. Everything was muted.

Toby smashes the GummGumm helmet on the ground, "for weeks, Gunmar's been sending his minions to do his dirty work. Why doesn't he come up himself? What is he waiting for?" Toby questions, feeling slightly frustrated.

"Sadly, that is the question Arcadia's fate hangs upon. What is Gunmar plotting next?" Blinky answered Toby's question with a question.

Blake cuts in, "planning takes time, when being a villain, you think things thoroughly and add more parts into the plan if it ever fails or gets stopped. But Gunmar isn't a thinking kind of Troll, he just...takes and kills," Blake says as she takes away her amulet away from her chest.

Claire coughs, "this slate mate is torture. I don't know how many more of this late night study sessions I have left in me,"

"Hey, Arrrgh you look a lot like a GummGumm," Toby pointed out.

"Yeah," Arrrgh says.

"No. Too risky. You can't spy on Gunmar," Jim denies.

"We lost you once, old friend. We cannot lose you again," Blinky points out.

"Gunmar strong," Arrrgh lets the helmet drop down from her head, "do nothing, Gunmar grow stronger. My choice!"

"You guys doing well with the whole Trollhunters thing?" Everyone looked behind them and saw Spenser. Everyone greeted with a small smile and wave. Blake walked toward him, gave him a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug.

"You going somewhere?" Jim questioned.

"Yeah, if that's okay with you," Blake says. Spenser wraps his arm around Blake's shoulders as Jim accepted that fact that they were going out somewhere. Blake got in Spenser's car which actually belonged to one of his sisters.

Blake sighed happily and looked at the sunrise in the distance, "I hear we're having a new student," Spenser brings up while driving around town.

"Really?!" Blake questioned loudly, "finally! I won't be the new student anymore!" Blake preached with a relieved tone and expression. Spenser laughed.

Blake looked out the window and saw Stuart's Electronic store. She went there once to find a record player for her older sister and went to a vintage store for records of her favourite bands and artists. Blake liked Stuart who ran the shop, he was funny and enthusiastic.

A few hours passed and classes have started. Blake was dropped off and Spenser had some family business to do on his own. Blake always wondered why Spenser was always having business with his family. It felt like that Spenser was hiding a secret from her, it bothered her slightly but not much to the point where she'll spy on them - not like someone! Blake looked at Eli.

She went to her first class and it went well until she kept on hearing Claire sneezing in the back. Claire looked horrible. The bags under her eyes were visible, her nose was visibly red, and she was pale. Her sneezing became a loop in Blake's head as she went to her locker.

Blake opened her locker to place her textbooks in and can see a bunch of girls surrounding something, or someone. Blake wasn't too curious. She hated crowds.

'Wait a minute...' she thought. She tried to look over the heads of the girls surrounding that one person and can see that they were tall with black hair and blue tips. Blake was able to catch a glimpse of Claire's hair and hair clips. She was already talking to the new kid. At the corner of her eye, she can see Jim with a frustrated expression.

She wanted to see this; Jim getting jealous about the new student but she had her training with Nomura before Jim trains with Mr. Strickler.

"Hey, Jim, I am going to go and train with Nomura," Blake announced with her hand on Jim's shoulder, "I'll see you later, okay?" she says.

Jim nods, "yeah, yeah, see you... later," Jim answers. He begins to walk slowly toward Claire and the new kid. Blake looks at the new kid before leaving for her training session.

His hair was black and had blue tips. It was wavy at the tips. His eyes were brown. He wore a dark grey sweater with black wristbands, black pants, and sneakers. He seemed like he was from a high school rock band.

She decided to leave. As she was leaving, she can hear the new students voice, "my friends call me Big-D," Blake tripped and tried to hold her laugh in, she slapped herself, "come on, Blake! We gotta stay focused on my training session with Nomura!" she nagged to herself.

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