Chapter 2 *edited

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Math class is my least favorite subject, mainly because I suck at it. But today I actually couldn't think straight. I keep thinking about what Suga whispered to Jimin. I guess I'll ask him at lunch. I look up to see my teacher taking up last night's homework.

"Okay class start doing questions 1 to 20, for the rest of class. If you don't finish then do it as homework, and we will take it up tomorrow."

Sighing I got out my notebook and started doing the first question. I took out my phone and earbuds and played my music. There was 30 more minutes before class ended and I was on question 15. The classroom door opened and walked in our principal, Mr.Henry. Curious I looked up to see my teacher Ms. Brooke, talking with Mr. Henry quietly.

"Class I have an announcement to make." Ms. Brooke said getting everyone's attention. "Mr.Henry just told me that we were going to have another student joining our class. Please be respectful to our new student, V."

I was dead set frozen, I couldn't comprehend what she just said. V, my fucking bully is going to be in my math class?! I was so shocked that I didn't even see him walk into the classroom.

"Everyone meet V. V this is going to be your new math class, we're excited to have you."

He smiled at the teacher and scanned the classroom, looking at everyone. I lowered my head trying too become invisible. All the girls were drooling over him, while the guys were glaring at him. Mainly because their girlfriends were drooling over him. Well who would blame them. V is stunning, one look from him could kill you.

"Ms. Brooke, where do I sit?" V asked innocently.

"Um why don't you sit in front of Jin , it's the only empty desk"

The second my name left her mouth, the colour drained from my face. Leaving me shocked with my mouth open. V looked up to see me and smirked. He started walking over to me and sat in the seat in front of me. He slowly turned around and said.

"well hello there pretty boy".

"hi" I squeaked making eye contact with him, remembering what he told me earlier about eye contact.

"glad you listened to me, I'm going to make this class unbearable for you" he whispered.

Gulping down hard I lowered my gaze, trying to finish my math homework. V eventually turned around and didn't bother saying anything else to me for the rest of class.

Soon after the bell ran signalling that it was time for lunch.

"Oh thank god" I thought before racing out of the classroom to get away from him.

I went to our usual table in the far back of the cafeteria and saw Jimin already there eating his lunch. 'Hey" I said while sitting down.

"Hey how was math class?" he asked while taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Horrible, we got a student added to our class and it was fucking V. The best thing is he sits right in front of me! I'm going to die."

"Wtf that sucks, Don't worry he can't bother you as much, since he sits in front of you."

"True, but still he's going to find a way to make my life more miserable anyway." I sighed while shoving a mouthful of pasta in my mouth.

"Anyway Jimin I wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah what's up" He said while taking a sip of his water.

"What did Suga say to you this morning, I saw him whisper something to you." I asked while staring at him.

"er uh he just told me to watch it.." Jimin said not looking at me in the eye.

Sighing I dropped the conversation, even though I could tell he was lying.

The day went by slowly and I was barely awake in all of my classes. Soon the bell rang signalling that it was time to go home.

Oh how I wanted to go sleep in my warm bed. I got my books from my locker and started walking to Jimin's locker so we could walk home together. "Wait wheres Jimin?" I thought seeing that he wasn't at his locker. I quickly sent him a text asking where he was. Sighing I started walking to the front entrance of the school. As I'm turning the corner all I see is Suga making out with a guy? When did he come out? I always thought he was straight. Brushing the fact off, I slowly started walking the other way trying not to get their attention. But me being me, I tripped over my own shoe and fell face first.

"ughh that hurt" I said while rubbing my forehead.


I looked up to see Jimin. His lips were swollen and he had hickeys all over his neck.



Hope you all enjoyed!

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