Chapter 34

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A/N: We hit 1k votes! Ah I love you guys so much!

I glanced up to see V sitting in front of me. He was staring at me and I couldn't help but stare back.


Coughing I lowered my gaze, feeling unconfutable staring at him.

"Here" RM said giving me a plate of food.

"Oh thanks RM" I said taking the plate from him.

"So guys what do you want to do tomorrow?" Jungkook asked sipping his water.

"Um why don't we all go swimming in the lake and have a bonfire later in the evening" Suga said.

"Omg yes, it would be so much fun" Jimin squealed.

"Yeah that's a good idea" J-hope said smiling.

"So everyone's in?" Jungkook asked.

We all agreed and continued eating dinner.


After dinner everyone decided to go to bed. Since we were all tired from the car drive. Everyone headed back up to their rooms while I stayed behind to was the dishes.

"Jin are you sure you don't need help?" J-hope asked

"Haha I'm fine, in not even that tired. I didn't even drive so I'm good" I told him giving him a smile.

"Yeah but you cooked dinner" RM pointed out

"Guys I'm fine, go to bed already" I said laughing

"Okay fine, but tomorrow your not cooking or washing the dishes" J-hope said

"Deal" I said smiling.

They both said goodnight and went up to their rooms.

I turned around and turned the tap on. I started washing the dishes, singing softly to pass the time. After 1o minutes I was done. I dried my hands with a paper towel and turned of the kitchen lights.

I walked upstairs and went to my room. I opned the door to see V already sound asleep.
He looks adorable I thought smiling. Shaking of my thoughts I walked towards the walk in closet. I changed into black sweatpants and a white oversized shirt. I quitly walked out of the closet and slowly walked towards the bed.

V was sleeping on the right side of the bed, his back facing me. I went around to the left side and slowly got in the covers. I pulled the blacket up to my neck ans sunngled close to it.

"Whyd you take long" V asked startling me.

"Omg.. don't do that.." I said gasping.

"What? I cant talk?" He said, his back still facing me.

"No-o you can, its just that I thought you were sleeping." I murmured, sleeping on my back.

"Well you thought wrong" He said turning around to face me.

I slowly turned my head and looked at him. I could barely see his face, due to the light.

"So what took you long?" He asked again.

"I was washing the dishes" I mumbled staring up at the ceiling.

"Of course you were, Its not like you have anything better to do" he said.

Scoffing I turned around, my back facing him.

"Aw did V insult baby Jin?" He asked in a baby voice.

"Shut up" I said while burying my face into my pillow, making my response muffled.

"So are you and RM dating?" V asked suddenly.

"What the fuck? No, were just friends" I said turning around to look at him.

"Doesn't seem like it" V said now lying on his back staring at the ceiling.

"Well we aren't. But why do you care?" I asked rudely.

"I cant ask a question?" he said turning his gaze towards me.

"You can bu-"

"Exactly, now lets go to bed. I'm tired." He said closing his eyes.

Sighing I turned back around and closed my eyes. I suddenly felt a hand snake around my waist.

"What-t are you-u doing?" I whispered.

"I need something to hug at night or I cant sleep. Since your sleeping with me, I guess I have to hug you." V murmured pulling me closer to him.

"Your waist is so slim. You eat so much, but you barely have any fat on you" V said tightening his hold around my waist.

"I have a high metabolism system" I whispered, I was so close to him I could feel his hard chest against my back.

Humming in response V nuzzled his head on my neck. After a while he was sleeping peacefully. Loving this feeling I slowly started to sleep too.


Hope you guys enjoyed!!

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