Chapter 12 *edited

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A/N: Shoutout to @taejin4thewin for voting! Thank you so much love!

"WTF" J-hope shouted


Startled by J-hope screaming I look up to see the house trashed. There was food all over the floor. Pizza boxes and soda cans littering the living room. The coffee table shattered, with pieces of glass everywhere. Random stains on the carpeted floor. Furniture knocked down or pushed aside. Four broken lamps and the T.V in the living room cracked.

And to make it all better. V was making out with some blonde on the couch. The girl just had her bra on and a short skirt.  Not even noticing that J-Hope had yelled. J-hope dropped the bags and walked up to V, pulling him off the blonde.

"oh your back" he said lazily. "V what the fuck happened" J-hope asked a little bit too calmly.

"oh I just had a little party with my friends" he said while walking back to the blonde to kiss her.

I couldn't watch so I looked away. I felt something in my chest, was I jealous? No, why would I be? it's just V.

J-hope grabbed V arm and pushed him aside. "Get your things and get the fuck out of my house" J-hope screamed at the poor blonde.

The girl quickly grabbed her purse and her shoes and her shirt that was across the floor and left in a hurry.

"Why the fuck did you decide to have a fucking party?" J-hope shouted. "I can do whatever I want, are you my fucking dad? No, that's what I thought". V shouted back.

"You reek of alcohol, you're fucking underage! V if something happened tell me, don't act like this. Do you even see the mess you made? Why do you always act like this? You're not fucking 13 you're 17 for gods sake! Can you ever be mature? Forget it, nothing I say will go through that thick head of yours. You're cleaning this up. All of it, and no one will help you. Got it?!" J-hope yelled not caring if the neighbours heard.

V just stared at him, no emotions showing on his face. He just nodded and walked upstairs not even sparing me a glance.

Sighing J-hope turned around at me and smiled weakly "I'm sorry you had to see that Jin" he said.

"No it's okay don't worry" I said while picking up the bags he had dropped previously. "I'll go upstairs and put these in your room" I said while walking up the stairs. "Thanks Jin. Also, I'm going to go spend the night at Jacksons. I can't t stand being here" J-hope said.

"Oh okay" I said. "If you get hungry just order pizza or something" he said while opening the door. "yeah got it, have fun with Jackson.

Don't stress too much about V, he'll be okay" I said softly. Nodding J-hope waved bye, closing the door on his way out.

I turned back around and started making my way to J-hope's room. I dropped of all the bags in his room and started making my way towards mine.

Well great I'm stuck in this house with V. At least he's in his own room and he won't disturb me.

I opened my door to see V sleeping on my bed. What the fuck.

I go up to him to see him sleeping peacefully. "He looks so cute" I thought. "Wait no, don't think that" I said to myself.

I guess he thought my room was his room. Sighing I took out my pajama's and walked to the bathroom to change. I got out and put my clothes away in my closet. Where am I going to sleep now? I thought.

"Just come here and sleep" V said, startling me.

"Your awake-e?" I asked while stuttering.

"Well no shit sherlock" he replied with sarcasm.

"I'm not going to sleep in the same bed as you"

"What are you gay? I sleep with my guy friends all the time, no one gives a fuck. A bed is better than the floor"

Ignoring his comment I slowly make my way to the lamp and switched it off. I made my way to the left side of the bed and slowly removed the cover and got in.

"Don't even think about touching me, pretty boy" V said

"I wouldn't even touch you if I had too" I said while turning my back towards him.

I felt him moving closer to me. My heart started beating so fast that he probably could hear it.

Why am I feeling like this? I shouldn't be feeling like this. He was so close to me that I could feel his breath fanning my neck.

He leaned in and whispered "I know you want me"



I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

love you guys!

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