Chapter 15 *edited

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"haha ready" I said.


It has already been an hour and a half. J-hope and I made small conversations throughout the ride. But I was way to nervous to focus on our conversations.

"Well we're here" J-hope said while turning off the car. "I'm going to go get him, you stay here." He said while getting out of the car.

Nodding I looked out the window to see a massive cabin. It was really nice. I watched J-hope walk up the stairs and knock on the front door. The door opened to an unfamiliar face.

I watched while J-hope talked to the guy and walked inside. Soon after J-hope came out with V following behind.

J-hope looked ticked off while V didn't show any expression. Taking a deep breath, I watched as they opened the door and got in.

"You had to bring him?"  V sneered while buckling his seatbelt.

"Shut the up. You're definitely not in the postion to talk. Is there a problem as to why Jin is here?" J-hope asked while turning around to glare at V.

V rolled his eyes and huffed while looking out the window.

Confused I looked at J-hope and he mouthed "I'll tell you later".

Nodding, I rested my head against the window and closed my eyes.


I felt someone nudging me. I slowly opened my eyes to see J-hope trying to wake me up.

"Jin get up, we're going to McDonalds for dinner." He said while unbuckling his seat belt. Rubbing my eyes I also unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car.

We all silently made our way inside. J-hope and I walking side by side, while V following behind us.

We walked in and stood in line. "Why don't you guys go find a place to sit? Let me know what you want and I'll order"J-hope said.

Agreeing mutually we both have him our orders. V started walking off leaving me to follow him.

We found a booth to sit and sat facing each other. You could feel the tension, it was that bad. I focused my gaze on my fingers which was resting on my lap.

I glanced up to look at him to see that he was already staring at me. I stared back at him, not knowing what to do. But I could feel my cheeks getting redder by the second. I wanted to look away but for some reason I just couldn't, and apparently he couldn't either.

We were silently looking at each other that we didn't notice J-hope had already arrived with the food.

"Ahem..ahem... Jesus Christ, HELLO?" J-hope said catching our attentions.

"Oh-h sorry" I mumbled while blushing furiously.

J-hope sat next to me and gave me a burger and fries and a drink. "Thank you" I said smiling at him.

"No problem" he said while giving V his food.

We all silently ate our food.

"Oh Jin I forgot to tell you, your friend Jimin wanted me to tell you that he's picking you up tomorrow morning for school" J-hope said while sipping his drink.

"Oh okay thanks for letting me know" I said.

"And you're going to school tomorrow, I don't care if you don't want too. You're going" J-hope said while staring at V.

"Why do I have to? Tomorrow's the last day anyway." V said glaring at J-hope.

"I don't care. No one asked you to smoke weed underage. If you didn't you could still have been at the cabin." J-hope said calmly.

"For the 50th time, I didn't smoke weed! My friends did. I didn't." V said while glaring at J-hope.

"I don't care anymore just shut up and eat" J-hope said while rubbing his forehead.

"fuck this." V mumbled


We eventually made it home. Thankful I ran upstairs to my room. So that's why J-hope was mad? He caught them smoking weed? I'm not into that stuff myself but I didn't know he was. Well I mean he did say he didn't do it himself. Whatever it's not my problem.

After laying on my bed for 2 hours, I started getting hungry. I looked at the clock to see that it was already 1am. I got up from my bed and changed into my pajama's. I put on a oversized black hoodie and black sweatpants.

I opened my door to see that all the lights were off. Great I thought while pulling out my phone. I turned on my flashlight and started making my way downstairs.

I reached the last step on the stairs before I heard thumping. Scared to even move I stayed still. Frozen because I was so damn scared. Soon the thumping stopped and I quietly started walking again.

Praying to god that I could live to see another day. I started walking and I swear I heard someone walking behind me. Ignoring it I made my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and got milk. I opened the cabinet to get a glass. I silently poured the milk into the glass.

Deciding that I wanted cookies, I went to the pantry and got one pack of Oreos.  I opened the fridge door and put the milk back. I turned around to knock into something.

I started screaming, "who the fuck are you"? I screamed while viciously slapping

Suddenly my wrists were grabbed and I was slammed against the fridge. I then heard a whisper that gave me chills.

"Your worst nightmare."

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