Chapter 41

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A/N: Should I do a Q&A? Let me know! Also I hope you guys had a Merry Christmas! This chapter wont be up until after Christmas so I hope you had a good one! I just wanted to say thank you all for all your love and support. It encouraged me to write new chapters everyday. I am so forever grateful to you guys! Were almost at 30k reads! Ahhhhhhhhh! I love you guys so fucking much! Thank you again loves.

Just enjoying each other presence.


3 months later

Soon after that day at the amusement park, everything has been going great. V and I are currently dating. He made a huge proposal on our last day at the cabin. With flowers and candles and a freakin band. It was so cute! RM did move on from me, he found a really sweet girl online and they have been dating since. Jimin and Suga are closer then before since they.....ahem.

J-hope and Jackson broke up though. That piece of shit was cheating on J-hope. V being V, fucked him up. Jackson was a bloody mess after V was done with him. J-hope wasn't that affected since he truthfully said that he was losing interest. Now J-hope is single and ready to mingle!

But everything else is good. Our parents are coming back a bit early, there coming back in 3 months. We have yet to tell them about V and I dating. V and I decided to tell them once there back.

"V... wake up.." I mumbled shaking his shoulder.

"no... I don't want to wake up.." he mumbled burying his face deeper into his pillow.

"V its already 2pm.. get up.." I said shaking him again.

Suddenly he pulled my hand making me fall on top of him.

"V!" I screamed once I landed on him.

"What are you doing?" I said laughing

"I want to hold you" he mumbled into my neck.

"You could've just asked" I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

He slowly put his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly, resting his head on my shoulder.

"You really need to get up. Were going out with the guys remember?" I said sitting up.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot about that." He said playing with my fingers.

I was now sitting on his stomach. "Am I hurting you? I'm heavy aren't I? I can get off you know" I said noticing him taking deeper breaths.

"Of course not. You literally weigh nothing, have you seen yourself. Your too skinny, you need to eat more" He said pinching my thighs.

"I already eat two times more then you, how much do you want me to eat" I said laughing.

"Until you have some fat in you" he said laughing tickling me.

Shrieking I started tickling him back. We were both laughing and screaming too hard. We eventually came to a stop.

"Come here" V said extending his arms.

I slowly made my way over to him and snuggled into his chest. His chin resting on my head, while his arms wrapped around my waist.



"I love you"

I looked up at him, to find him already staring at me.

"I love you too" I whispered before gently pressing my lips against his soft ones.


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