Remind Me To Forget

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I panicked. Who would be out here in the yard at this time? I thought they were asleep. It's like four in the morning. "I'm sorry, Ry, I didn't mean to startle you,"they whispered. Dallon came into view. "Dallon?"I whispered back. "Sorry,"he said and sat on the ground next to me. He tucked his long legs up against his chest. It was silent a moment.

"What're you doing up?"I asked. "I couldn't sleep. You?"He said. "Nightmare,"I replied as I looked away. "Wanna talk about it?"he asked. I shook my head firmly no. I didn't trust myself to speak because if I did then I would probably tell him everything. I haven't told anyone, Brendon and Sarah included. I was worried that no one would want me if they found out.

We sat there until my teeth started to chatter, signaling I was cold. "Let's go in, you're cold,"he said. I shrugged and stood up. He opened the door for me. I entered what was my temporary room. I stopped to wait for Dallon. It was eerily quiet and everything was coated in a blackness. I couldn't read Dallon's expression. "I don't think I can sleep,"I whispered. "It's okay, follow me,"he said. I tried to be quiet as he led me to the living room. He turned on a small lamp.

"Want anything?"he asked. "Something to drink,"I answered. "I'll make some tea,"he said. I waited patiently and my thoughts wandered back to the nightmare as much as I wished it wouldn't. "One mug of tea,"Dallon said with a ridiculous voice and bowed as he placed the warm mug in my frozen fingers. "Thanks,"I mumbled and took a sip. Sweetened with sugar and honey. Just the way I love it when I can't sleep.

"How is it?"he asked as he sipped his own. "Delicious,"I said. "How'd you know I was outside?"I asked after a few moments of silence had passed. "I woke up unable to sleep and I rolled over and thought I saw something out the window so I carefully got up and saw you so I came down,"he said truthfully. "Okay,"I said. "You sure you don't want to talk about it?"he asked. "Positive,"I said but heard how unsure I sounded. He cocked an eyebrow.

"You can't tell mom and dad. Yet, anyways,"I said and stared at the floor. "Fine by me. What's going on?"He asked. "The nightmare was about my childhood. They were suppressed memories because I don't want to remember. I thought because of my amnesia that they were gone but I was wrong. It was so real, almost like I was there again,"I said and broke off. "What happened then?"he asked. "Dall---,"I broke off as I pondered how to break this to him. It wasn't easy to tell someone you weren't a virgin anymore.

"There's no easy way to put this. He would collect money for men to sleep with me and then he would do it himself. There was one in particular who broke my arm and they ignored it for a day. The next day, they beat me for having to visit the hospital but no one would listen or help me. My word against theirs,"I said. "Why the hell wouldn't they listen to you? That's bullshit,"Dallon cussed angrily and my eyes widened. He hated cussing. This must have really gotten to him.

I let him rant it out for a long time until he realized I was silent. "Are you okay? I'm sorry for that but people just piss me off. To do that to his own kid,"Dallon trailed off and looked away. "I'm fine,"I lied. I wasn't fine. I was worried about dad and when they, whoever they were, were coming. I'm pretty sure my biological father was involved. "What do you wanna do?"Dallon asked. "Can I read something?"I asked. He nodded and went to my duffle bag where I left my copy of If I Stay. It was a sad book but one of my dozens of favorites.

"Do you care if I watch TV? A new Doctor Who came out and I wanna catch up on what I missed,"Dallon asked. "Sure, go ahead,"I said and buried myself in reading. Awhile later, Dallon propped my leg and I laid next to him with my head on his chest. I didn't even notice when we both fell asleep.


Amelie, Breezy, and Knox were part of the reason I woke up. I found myself curled on Dallon's chest. They were coming down the stairs. Dallon opened his eyes and helped me sit before sitting up himself. "Good morning, Ry, how are you feeling?"Breezy asked as I yawned.

"Okay,"I replied. "What do you want for breakfast?"Dallon asked. I wasn't really hungry but to please him and the kids I made a decision. "Chocolate Chip chocolate pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate chips on top,"I answered. "So, basically, IHOP?"Dallon asked with an eyebrow raised. "Sure,"I mumbled. "Well, then, get dressed. What're you waiting for?"he asked as he ran up the stairs behind the kids.

Breezy helped me to my room and handed me a pair of black, loose yoga pants so they would fit over my cast. I described the shirt I wanted that I hoped was there and it was. It was grey with white writing. It read:"I'm a bassically sarcastic person, get over it!" It was by far my favorite. I think mom had gotten it for me after a day I was particularly sarcastic and since I was a bassist, the bassically part made perfect sense.

Overtop, I tossed on Josh's sweatshirt that he lent me awhile ago. It was oversized and comfortable. I pulled the sleeves down over my hands. Satisfied, I made my way slowly down the hall. Dallon helped me down the stairs and to the car where we all piled in. At IHOP, I got exactly what I'd described.

It was much bigger than I'd hoped but I forced down the last half. I could tell they were relieved I was eating even if I wanted to throw it all back up. This was the first meal I've eaten in days. "I don't know why you're even trying. They'll never care about you. You'll only ever be fat and worthless,"the voice in my head spat. "Oh, shut up,"I said accidentally out loud.

The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now