The Mysterious Boy

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Hey guys!
I'm back with part 3!
Enjoy and don't forget to breathe!


Love is an open door. Close it or not, it's your choice.


~Saturday Morning~

"Y/n?! Are you done?! We need to go!!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I was doing my make-up. Today is the day that i'm going to the hospital. "Coming!" I did my mascara and looked at the mirror for the last time. I checked everything. My make-up, my shirt with long sleeves... I took my little bag and rushed to the car. "Get in, fast!" My mom said while pushing me in the car. "Okay! Chill!" She closed the door and got in the car too. She started the engine and started riding.

~At the hospital~

We stepped inside my mom's office. The whole room was white. Literally, the whole fucking room. She sat down and gestured me too to sit down. I sat in front of her. "So... What are we doing in your office?" She looked up from her computer. "Ah, i just wanted to check something before we visit the newcomer."

"Newcomer?" I asked with an confused face. "Well yeah, we talked about that. There is a new patient today and you got the chance to see him first."
"Why me tho?" "Well... He's 2 years older than you, so you could understand him better."
I nodded. After some minutes of waiting, my mom spoke again.

"Oke, it's time!" She stood from her chair and pulled me up. "Let's go!" She dragged me out of the room and brought me in front of a white door. Why is everything white here??!
I started to feel nervous. Who knows what's behind this white, creepy door.
"Are you ready?" My mom asked excited. I tried to calm myself down and nodded. She backed away a little.

I slowly opened the door and gulped hard. I didn't dare to look. I had my eyes closed. I closed the door and slowly opened my eyes.
Are u fucking kidding me? Another white room? This room was a little different. There was nothing to see. Only 4 white walls and a white floor.

I looked around and noticed a boy sitting in the corner. I could'nt see his face because he was facing the floor. I took a few steps closer. I was now in front of him. I crouched down and touched his shoulder softly. He flinched and looked up. Woah... He... is really cute and hot at the same time... WTF ARE YOU THINKING Y/N!?

We just stared at eachother. It was really awkward. I sat down in front of him. His eyes never left mine. I cleared my throat. "H-hi... I'm Y-y/n." I stuttered so bad. I waited for his anwser, but he just stared at me. No words coming out of his mouth. I showed him a small smile. "What's your name?" To my suprise, he anwsered. "Jimin. Park Jimin." He was still staring at me. I took the chance and examined his features. He has beautiful eyes and thick, plump lips.

His cheeks were pinkish and kissable. His nose was so fucking cute. "H-how old are you?"I asked carefully. "23." He anwsered simply. It's true.
He's 2 years older than me. "I'm 21 years old." I showed him a cute smile. What he said next, suprised me. "Then you should call me oppa." My eyes went wider. I cleared my throat and became nervous under his gaze. "So... Where are your parents?" Fuck. I just made the biggest mistake in my life. His face darkened. "Get out. Now." He said while glaring at me. I gulped hard and practically ran out of the room. I closed the door and breathed heavily. Tf was that?


Pain makes you stronger.

'No matter how loud i scream, nobody hears or helps me.'

Well... This was part 3.
Enjoy the next one.


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