Chapter Thirty-Four - Miles' Side of The Story

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I BEELINED TOWARD Miles's locker during Monday break. He smiled at me. "Emma, hey."

I was through with his sick game and being a pawn in whatever he had planned. I wanted the truth and nothing but the truth.

"What happened on the highway a couple of weeks ago?" I immediately demanded. "Why did your people tail my friend's car and chase her in a corn field?"

Miles didn't seem to grasp my words in the beginning, but it was soon obvious he knew what I referred to. I hadn't named Riley, but didn't need to. They must have all been identified that night, and if the hunters really were that dangerous, then they weren't safe. I hoped prior to seeing him that Miles hadn't been aware of the incident, but that was naïve on my part. The back of my eyes stung in a familiar way.

"You hid this from me. I thought I could trust you."

Miles closed his locker. He furtively checked the halls, making sure no one listened, and etched closer to me. "It's not what you think, I promise. There are things you don't know..."

"You tried to kill those people when you told me hunters did not interfere with mutants. You hunt them for their abilities," I dropped, anger building up in my chest. That... that was just sadistic. "How is that not what I think it is?"

Maybe Luc was right, after all.

"Okay, yes. It wasn't the truth," he admitted, lowering his head. "But I only told you this because I didn't think you were ready to hear the rest, and because you are friends with them."

Damn right, I hadn't been ready, but it didn't matter. It was too important to overlook.

"I can't believe you're trying to kill my friends behind my back," I spat, feeling utterly betrayed.

I'd spent so much time hanging out with him, trained with him, ate dinner with him and his father... I'd met a group of hunters and tagged along excursions, and they cornered the people I cared for when I looked the other way.

"You know what, you're a sick bastard. You should leave town before my friends tear you to pieces."

"Emma," Miles whispered, his eyes imploring yet hard. I'd never seen that look on his face before. "We are not the only ones hiding the truth from you. These people are not your friends. Their kind do not like ours, they never have and never will."

Well, with hunters killing them one by one, it was no surprise, was it? "Spare me with your bullshit."

"No, I mean it. I'm being honest, here. They're not human at all, despite the appearances. Don't be fooled by their pretty faces and pretty words. They're not who they pretend to be, far from the idea of marginalized mutants who just try to live a peaceful life away from the eye of the government. Behind closed doors, they do... horrible things."

I glowered at him. Was he still trying to feed me false information and trick me into sticking with him? I knew Riley. She was a good person. 

And I'd known Lauren better. She was more compassionate and kind than most humans I've ever known. She was also an ambitious girl with dreams and goals, none of them involving massacres or whatever Miles implied.

Ben had always been nice, though I didn't know him that well. Only Devin and Luc were more hotheaded than the rest, but they weren't assassins.

"Really? Like what?"

"Come with me after school. There's something you should see."


I didn't know what possessed me to let him drive me out of town to show me something. The journey was silent with me glaring at him and Miles attempting to ignore it. He was too calm, too sure of himself as he wheeled the car, seeming to know exactly where he wanted to bring me. A flurry of anxiety bloomed in my stomach. Maybe he just realized I knew too much and wanted to bury my dead body somewhere remote.

Miles stopped the car in front of an old, red painted barn. The alley was rutted by the indent of wheels, meaning there were frequent passages of vehicles here. I got out, the wind hitting my face, and glared at Miles as he walked toward the barn. My feet were rooted to the exposed grass. I wasn't going to follow him inside that creepy structure that came straight out of a nineties horror movie.

"If you agreed to come, then why stop here?" he asked, trying to sound gentle but he was on edge. "It wouldn't make too much sense, would it?"

"What's in the barn, Miles?"

He slowly returned, leaving the outdated shed behind. "Emma, I would never hurt you if that's what you're worried about. I know you don't trust me right now, but a hunter never hurts innocent people. Believe in that."

Did I still count as innocent in their stupid code of honor?

"What is in the barn?" I repeated, feeling a weight tickling my ankle. I made it a recent habit to strap a tiny dagger there, under my pant leg for safety. I also had the good old pepper spray in my handbag which my parents made me carry around since I was fifteen. If anything went wrong, I was armed.

"There's an access to a tunnel network," he said. "It'll be a good walk until we get to the place I want you to see."

I didn't like this one bit. I needed insurance... someone who'd know if I happened to be in a tight predicament. Fumbling in my bag, I fished out my cellphone and pressed on Riley's number. She was the only person I could think of. "Then you don't mind that I tell someone if I don't check in every fifteen minutes, someone will come for you?"

He seemed offended, like I'd slapped him silly, but nodded. "Suit yourself. It's not going to happen, though."

I sent Riley a message saying not to warn anyone yet, but to make sure I gave regular updates. She had permission to smash the panic button if I didn't answer her texts. 

Be careful. Very careful.

I followed Miles inside where he ambled around a corner and dug out a stack of hay, revealing a heavy metallic square with the number fifteen on it. He kneeled to the ground and typed a code on a keypad. The plate opened all of a sudden with a loud noise, startling me. Light emanated from the tunnel. Just what exactly did he intend to show me and why did we have to pass through a tunnel? 

He started down a flight of stairs and outstretched a hand, inviting me in. "Come on."

But I needed to check it out. This could be important for Riley and Luc to know, and I didn't get into Miles' car for no reason. Nerves twisting in my belly, I accepted his hand and went down the bizarre stairs, taking in my surroundings.

The lid closed over my head with a sinister clang.


Hiya reader :D. I added here a little update to move things forward and I'm glad to go back to the shorter chapters. It makes it easier on you guys and I feel like the plot's more... 'digestible' that way? (is the even a word??) 

So, we're on the verge of discovering what that strange tunnel leads to and where the agents disappeared to last time. Have an idea of what it could be?  

Ofc the holidays are right around the corner in the narrative, and I'll get to it soon. Merry Christmas, y'all ❤

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