20. Halloween

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--At the cabin--

The door to Lauren's room swung open and banged off the wall, startling her as she was reading a book for class. In the corner of her vision, Raymond strolled inside like he owned the place, a purposeful gleam in his silver eyes. The last time she'd seen him, he'd clearly disapproved the news about Emma, and he'd muted himself, granting her nothing more than an aggravated stare. 

"Excuse you," Lauren said, following his movements as he approached her dresser. 

He stopped and looked at her, then pointed at the drawers. His spirits seemed higher than before--back to normal after his injury and her stunt. 

"I need a bra."

She blinked and closed her book, puzzled. With a lowered brow, she eased away from her window ledge, a mask of confusion etched on her face. 

"Just why exactly do you need a bra?"

"I need one for my costume." He grinned devilishly. 

She folded her arms and frowned, placing herself between him and her dresser. "You do realize they won't let you walk in school without a shirt on, right? And seriously, what are you even dressing as--why ask me? Ask one of your girlfriends." 

"Well, I'm putting a bra over my shirt for school..." He winked. "Then, I'll strip the shirt off for the Halloween party." 

Lauren rolled her eyes in despair. Why couldn't he be a decent person for just one day? 

"I asked Jenna for a bra but she tried to slap me," he added, pouting. "And the others don't really want to talk to me. Please, Wikie, you're my only hope! You must have old stuff you don't wear anymore, right? Just give me one that's not expensive."

He kind of had a point there... She'd forgotten to dump older bras that didn't fit anymore or that got too worn over time, and since Raymond wouldn't let it go, she didn't have much of a choice. And she'd much rather pass him that than her current lingerie, because whatever she'll give, she won't ask to get back. Lauren sighed and turned away from him, opening the top drawer on the right. Her hand leafed through rows of carefully pleated and tucked underwear until she retrieved an ancient neon cami bra. 

She whirled back, the strap dangling from her fingers, and handed it over to Raymond. He held it up, looking disappointed, and shook his head. 

"Girls wear this stuff? There aren't even cups on this thing." He scrunched the padding like it was an alien contraption. 

"It was super comfortable," she defended, flustered. 'Even if it's not the hottest thing out there..."

"You have to have a better one. This will ruin my costume." 

"What are you even trying to be?" 

He waved the bra around like a flag. "A female hooker. I'd look ridiculous in this. I need a real bra, Wikie, don't let me down." They stared at each other for a moment as Lauren's frown deepened, and he resorted to convince her with a better tactic. "I'll buy you lunch at the cafeteria for a week."

She perked up, but her frown didn't lift yet. "Do you still have that magician hat in your closet? I need it for my mad hatter costume. If you give me the hat and buy me lunch for two weeks, it's a deal."


She replaced the cami back and rummaged through her drawer again. The next one still fit and she didn't really want to give it away... but it was for a fair trade. Lauren selected a lacy, bright red model that would definitely catch eyes in the halls. As she offered it to him, a wicked smile stretched his lips. 

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" He swung it over his shoulder, messed up her hair and turned towards the door. "You're the best."

"Don't bother returning it," she replied in a flat tone. 

Raymond stalked out and his footfalls resounded off the staircase at the same time the door downstairs opened. Not a second later, her brother's voice travelled to her ears. 

"Lauren, I need to borrow your Ariel wig and the sluttiest pair of heels you own!" 

(REWRITING) The Skylar Experiment : CovetingWhere stories live. Discover now