Chapter Nine p.2 - Meet Tony

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HER TINY FIGURE mingled with the crowd. I stood rooted there on the emptying field, my nose and fingers frozen, trying to understand what just happened. Emma hadn't been the slightest fazed when I mentioned hunters. She knew about them already. How much exactly was beyond me.

Was she truly mad at me for doubting Miles? Did she not know what happened to Lauren and whose fault it was? How could she ever befriend a hunter with all the horrible things they do?

Speaking of the devil, I spotted Miles walking up the alley with his hands in the pockets of his parka, cheeks pink from the chilly wind. I pictured Luc's injured hand from last night, and a noxious ball of anger heated up in my stomach. He and his father were here for a reason, and it was not to settle down in Oakwood.

It was to score a kill.

To torment innocent people who have suffered enough.

The guy just had to approach Emma out the blue and revolve around her. He could have approached anyone else—literally anyone. Maybe it wasn't dumb luck. Maybe he was trying to gain her trust, and I didn't know how to make him back off without shining the spotlight on me.

I didn't realize I'd been glaring at Miles for the last two minutes when arms encircled me from behind and a light kiss landed on the side of my head. My muscles relaxed, and I turned around.

"I'm sorry I got you into that mess," Adam said, the corner of his lips turning down. "I didn't think Mr. Spencer would take it that far."

I shook my head. "It wasn't your fault. I can't believe he took away your recommendation letter for this. He's... He's..."

"I don't think he intended to give me one in the first place," he cut off and grazed my chin with his thumb. "He probably just bluffed to make me furious. I bet he didn't know it'd work better on you."

"It's important for your future!"

Of course, it mattered and I'd react to that. Soon, all the seniors would send applications to their college of choice. I hadn't even thought about where I wanted to go or what major to apply in.

Adam took one of my hands to calm me down, closed his over it and kissed my nose. "My future's not in jeopardy because of some angry old man who likes to terrorize his students. My grades are fine. You don't have to worry. I'm more worried about how it went yesterday in detention."

I was afraid of what Mr. Spencer's presence meant for me and for us all. I couldn't stop thinking about what he could pull off next to catch me. Obviously, I couldn't let Adam know—it killed me inside—but he didn't deserve to be involved. How much longer can I afford to keep him in the dark?

I squeezed his hand, grateful for him trying to be there for me. "It was okay. I wrote a lot, but it could have been worse." Way worse.

He hugged me, and I sunk my face into his coat. Fuzzies grew and swirled in my belly, and I really smiled. Just what I needed to ward off the overwhelming thoughts.

"Thank you," he said in my ear.

"For what?"

He paced back to bend down. He kissed me gently, slowly, as if to frame this moment in his memory.

"For defending me. That was super badass. I didn't like seeing you get in trouble, but I appreciate the intention."

I bit my lip to supress a playful grin, but it didn't work. "Oh, really?"

(REWRITING) The Skylar Experiment : CovetingWhere stories live. Discover now