6. Start of School

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The siblings kicked off the school year and, as predicted, they had been placed in Greg's class. Lauren found it amusing to pretend not to know their teacher.

The twins were growing into stunning teenagers with their dark features, suntan skin and glowing green eyes, turning heads everywhere in the halls. Lauren noticed her brother hanging more around girls. Some of them even flocked next to his locker with bootlicking eyes, slobbering over him which made her want to gag.

He didn't feel the same way at all. Luc flirted back and played along whether he intended to ignore them later or not. It was like seeing Raymond pick up girls all over again. The guy was rubbing off on her twin. Gross...

Speaking of the King, she spotted him triumphly walking down the hall with older mutants. It was their senior year and Raymond ruled this little world as captain of the football team. People at the lockers stared with envy or respect, hailing him in the way. He was charismatic and popular--a hard player with chicks, too--but did not qualify as a jock, and everybody loved him even more for it. 

He distanced himself from his peers and stopped in front of the twins. His head leaned next to Lauren's locker and he sighed dramatically, metallic puppy eyes expanding. She turned to him with a bland look.

"Just get her roses and chocolates for whatever you did. Tell her how you feel. Most girls like talking about feelings, Raymond."

He grinned, capturing her head between his hands. "Wikie, you are a total genius. How are you so good at that?"

It really wasn't specific advice, but Lauren just gave him an eye roll. Raymond stared at her brother while pointing at her. 

"Your sister's amazing, dude."

"Duh, we have the same genes," Luc replied nonchalantly. 

They started talking between each other and--surprise--their conversation drifted to girls. Both of them shamlessly checked out the new faces in the hall, rating and checking out those who  matured over the summer like she wasn't there wanting to cover her ears. Lauren tuned out, disturbed. 

Emma saw her from a distance, smiled and waved. They hadn't spoken in two weeks as Lauren tried to convince herself this was a bad idea.  

But if the boys could play around with humans like that, then...

"Lauren," Luc called as she stared at the other end of the corridor. He snapped out of his roguish grading of the opposite gender. "Leave that girl alone."

She loved Devin and never intended to abandon her, but she wanted to get to know another girl friend, to know what it's like to decide who gets to be in her life. Emma didn't need to know everything. She could pretend to be normal just like at school.

"I won't do anything," she shot back to her brother. "Besides, it's not like you two are holding back."

"That's because we know the limits better than you. You don't listen."

She rolled her eyes. "Watch me."

Just like that, Lauren spun around and made for Emma, holding her books. Raymond frowned and folded his arms as she strolled off. He shook his head, eyes darkening. Luc blew out a sigh of frustration and clenched his jaw.

"Just what I said..." he whispered as they stared from afar.

He was going to tell Greg about it, but at this point it wouldn't stop her. For a person so kind, she really had no regards for authority or common sense. It made him uneasy how highly the others viewed him yet obviously thought of his sister as a nonconformist. Her behavior did not sit well with them, and they kept an eye on her.

He wanted her to stop acting like this. He wouldn't let the others outcast Lauren, but she always pushed the limits...

She stopped in front of Emma. "Hi!"

"Hey," Emma answered. "How was your summer?"

"It was fun," she said, nodding. "I visited the extended family in Ohio on the weekends. You?"

"My grandparents came to visit us and they donated me tons of scraps of clothing. I did a lot of knitting with grandma."

She laughed at the way her eyes lit up with excitement and found it endearing. The more she observed humans up close, the more harmless they seemed. She understood that some were monsters, but should she ignore those that were actually nice? Emma was the most striking example. Why couldn't they just be friends?

"About that," Lauren said. "I outgrew many of my clothes this summer and I need to go shopping for a new closet. I'd love to have your style advice so... I don't know, maybe you'd like to join me one of these days?"

Emma's eyes widened. "Oh my God, count me in!" she gushed. "You would rock the high-waisted shorts and frilly tops. You need color and texture! Short dresses and rompers would also look so cute..."

Lauren smiled, over the moon at her enthusiastic response. It somehow reassured her that Emma liked her and she hadn't been too bold with her invitation. She looked over her shoulder to see her brother and Raymond observing the whole scene, their faces expressing a subtle warning she knew all too well. 

(REWRITING) The Skylar Experiment : CovetingМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя