21. Not Now, Not Ever

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The weeks went by and nothing happened.     

Emma stayed true and honored her promise. Despite the turmoil among her family, Lauren was over the moon that she could be herself around her and they could hang out openly. It earned her nasty stares from the juniors, seniors and her own brother. Greg had looked at the girls chattering before his class started, and he'd suddenly seemed tired and rough for the rest of the hour. 

Lauren knew they were all in shock and it would take time, so she kept her chin up in the halls. She also thought Emma was a champion for enduring it all without complaining. For a human, she was handling it exceedingly well, better than any other times someone found out by accident. They usually freaked out and ran away or tried to expose them. 

Lauren decided it was time to show Emma her home. She'd been at her house so often it only felt fair. They mounted the porch steps and stepped inside, dropping their backpacks in the entrance to untie their shoes. Emma stared shyly at the bright living room as daylight spilled from the big windows, tipping her head back at the high ceiling. 

"Wow... this is beautiful..."

Lauren made a face. "One of us designed this, actually. He's an architect." 

Emma didn't expect her to live in this kind of place. It was so spacious and different from any other home she'd ever seen. Her mouth formed an 'O' and she prepared to say something but a drawling, displeased voice cut her off. 

"Seriously? I can't believe you're bringing the scum here."  

Footfalls muffled by a rug approached. Luc appeared and arched a brow, his nose crinkling at the sight of Emma standing by the entry. He looked at his sister blandly at first, then a revolted glint sparked in his eyes. 

"You're so rude," she shot back and turned to Emma. "I'm so sorry for my brother. He doesn't know the word 'appropriate'."

He cracked a malicious smirk and leaned against the doorjamb. "You know, this reminds me a lot of that time you took a lost dog. You brought it home and Heather was so mad when it pooped on her carpet."

"She's not some pet, Luc!" She looked mortified at her brother's attitude. "Leave her alone!"

"This house is a no human zone," he chastised, gesturing snappily at the cabin. "I don't remember agreeing to you bringing her here or even knowing about it."

The disturbing way he stared at her looked like he was on the verge of kicking the girl out. Emma shrunk back unconsciously, feeling the tangible hostility thickening in the air between them. She was afraid he might just do it. There was no doubt he was capable of it. 

"This house is also in my name, dumbass. I don't need to ask your opinion if I want to invite a friend. You bring Ben over almost everyday and we always have your friends over. From now on, Emma is included."

"That's not the same thing, Lauren."

She rolled her eyes and hooked an arm around her smaller friend's shoulders. She hadn't moved an inch, petrified. "Ignore him. He's in a mood."

As if to reinforce that statement, Luc gave Emma a toxic glare. "You have no idea how lucky you are right now." He glanced back at his sister, nose twisting again like he smelled curdled milk. "I hate what you're doing so much. It's like you're losing all common sense."

Speechless, she watched him spin around and speedwalk towards the back door. With a rigid arm, he slammed it open and stomped onto the terrace, disappearing into the yard. A tiny glimmer of sorrow flickered in Lauren's eyes... and suddenly she feared that he'd never get along with her. Had she been wrong to force this onto him? Seeing as Emma stood there cluelessly, she gathered her wits and smiled. 

"He's fine, Luc just needs air really often. Let's go upstairs and work on that assignment. You have your stuff, right?"

She nodded, ripping her eyes away from the glass door by the kitchen. "I don't want to bother everyone and make them upset..."

At that, Lauren's smile faltered and her arm recoiled. She thought of all the ways humans hurt her people, of all the scary ways they subdued them with cruel weapons and torture. It was every mutant's worst fear--not just to be conquered by pain and to die, but to have one's dearest friend go through it. Of course, she couldn't tell her about it. All she knew was that sharing the secret could put them in danger. 

"You are not the problem, Em," she murmured. "He's scared. All of them are. They need time to adapt... we've never been through this before. It's new for us." 

Emma could see how hard it was for them to cope. She saw it at school, and this moment counted as yet another example of their reaction. But she didn't want the mutants to be afraid of her or of what she could do. Lauren was her friend and friends had each other's back. 

"I'd never do anything to hurt you guys. There are no 'what ifs' or 'maybe'. I am genuinely your friend and I don't care if you have glowing hands or static skin. I've never had more fun than when we hang out, and I'm not snitching on your family. Not now, not ever." Emma squared her shoulders in earnest. "Your secret is safe with me, and I'll prove it to your brother and to the rest of you. You have me, Lauren. Friends don't leave no matter what."

*We are nearing the end of Part 1, only about five chaps left*

(REWRITING) The Skylar Experiment : CovetingWhere stories live. Discover now