10. Road to Columbus

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*this is just one big ass song trip*

Raymond removed his hands from the wheel but it continued to steer on its own while he put his music in the car. When the sound filtered through, his head bobbed with a smirk. They've been riding for two hours and he'd let her plug her playlist. Now, it was his turn. 

"Is that AC/DC?" Lauren asked from the passenger seat. 

He gasped. "No, that's Bon Jovi! How do you not know the difference?"

"It's your music, not mine. I don't even like this type of--"

"Finish that and I'm throwing you out in the road," he cut in. "Your little butt needs to be educated. Forget Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift. I'm blessing your ears, today."

"Hey, Ariana and Taylor are good singers!"

He shushed her and cranked up the volume. "Listen here, you little shit. This is art."

She listened, rolling her eyes at his reaction. At the end of the song, Raymond asked her what she thought. She shrugged with a vague sound coming out of her throat. 

"Okay... I think you'll like this one. It's You Give Love A Bad Name." His eyebrows waggled. 

"But I know that one."

"Then sit back and fucking appreciate it."

Yeah, Raymond was serious about his favorite bands and artists. Lauren wisely nodded at the familiar beat and even repeated some of the lyrics--those she knew, preferring not to argue with him on it. 

"Now, this is AC/DC. And after that, I'll show you Scorpions and Queen and Guns N' Roses... Rush is worth hearing, too... there's Led Zeppelin..." He took his hands off the wheel again. "This is T.N.T."

When that high, scratchy voice accompanied the electric guitar and the drums, she was able to tell the difference from Bon Jovi. It was more edgy and made her want to move. Raymond caught her smiling at the radio, her head lolling energetically. 

"Like it?"

"Not bad..." Lauren stroked her chin, eyes narrowed. 

The car was practically driving itself at this point, but in reality Raymond controlled it on the highway as if he physically handled the wheel. A man in the adjacent lane gawked from his window and Lauren had to yell at Raymond to be careful. 

With a lazy grin, Raymond noticed the man and wrapped one hand around the wheel. He winked at the driver like he'd seen nothing and carried on. Lauren smacked his upper arm, scolding him for clowning around like that. He didn't care. 

"Now, Baptism by Fire. Pretty fitting since I'm baptising your music tastes right now and it's fire."

"Ooh, I like that one!"

Raymond smiled, perking his head up. "Oh my God, then you need to hear Shot Down in Flames."

She did, and slowly she started enjoying the songs, humming along when she didn't know them and singing boldly when she did. Raymond blasted her ears nonstop with Touch Too Much, We Will Rock You, Livin' On A Prayer, Bohemian Rhapsody... 

By then, it became Lauren's turn to plug her music again, but she forgot and lost herself in the edgy feeling these songs gave her as they boomed through the car interior. Raymond openly jammed to them, his hair flicking back as he snapped his head up and down. 

When Rock the Blues Away came, Lauren copied him, both grooving in their seats. Her loose long hair flipped around her shoulders and she laughed. Shaking like a deranged individual was just as fun as listening to the songs. It felt like letting go and being free, and Raymond knew the words by heart. 

(REWRITING) The Skylar Experiment : CovetingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang