Chapter 19: My brother

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Nate had gotten up at half past six and to show my support I had gotten up as well. Or I had woken up and was talking to him, but still lying in bed in my nickers and T-shirt.

"Why did I stay out that late?" Nate complained to his mirrored self.

He had gotten in at around 3 AM and it was clearly showing on his temper right now.

I dragged my lazy body out of bed and went up behind him and hugged him.

"You're warm," he commented and edged closer.

"You stayed out late to celebrate a wonderful Vidcon convention and party and hang out with some of your friends that lives halfway around the world. Don't look at the neagtive stuff, but at the positive. I bet that you had an amazing time."

He turned around and pulled me into a bear hug.

"You're awesome, Abbs," he said and pecked my lips. "Thanks."

I got him out the door and sent him out to meet Marcus and Zoe whom also had the shoot with Seventeen Magazine. It was kind of surreal that they were going to be in such a well-known magazine. I was so proud of Nate.

Since Vidcon was officially over, the passes didn’t matter anymore and Emma came up and met me in Nate’s hotel room.

“Wow, this looks just like a normal hotel room, hard to believe a famous YouTuber just left,” Emma said jokingly.

“You don’t actually see Nate like a famous YouTuber anymore, do you?” I questioned.

“Honestly? No. Now I just see him as my sister’s dreamy boyfriend. It’s only when I watch his videos that I still fan girl a little.”

We laughed together. It was only really after I had been here at Vidcon for three days that I finally understood the description of fangirls and what it really meant. It was dedicated people, willing to buy expensive tickets, wait in a queue for hours and hours only to get a selfie, a hug and maybe a quick chat. And still it might be one of the best moments of their lives. It was quite the odd phenomenon.

We left the room and got down to the bus stop. There was a route bus going almost directly to our brother’s place, which was really convenient. A few convention goers were still here but most had left yesterday afternoon.

Emma got swept up in a heated conversation about American vs. British YouTubers when we got into the bus. Meanwhile my mind wandered as I looked out the window and saw the trees pass by.

We hadn’t seen our brother Luke in over six month and I was a bit worried. He had seemed better during our weekly Skype calls but he had known how to hide his condition anyway. It had been the reason he’d chosen to move all the way to Los Angeles of all places.

He had a problem with alcohol, but since he was 23 it was pretty difficult for him to be a full blow alcoholic but he had been damn close. He had chosen to ignore our parents’ pleas and strict rules and bolted out of the country when he had the chance and LA had only made him worse. Until recently it appeared. I just hoped it was true.

When we got off the bus and walked the half kilometre to the address, I was mildly chocked by the sight that met us. Like Emma and I, Luke lived at the expense of our rich uncle who didn’t mind share ‘a tiny fraction of his wealth’ as he put it, with his nephew and nieces. Still this house was extremely extravagant with a freaking iron gate.

Emma seemed more unaffected than me and just walked up and pressed the buttons on the keypad next to the gate. She was answered by a loud and clear dial tone.

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