Need [NSFW]

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It never happened until the alliance.

Your body never presented in any way.

No one knew what you were, including you! But as the heat flushed up from the sore ache of your sex up through your belly to harden your nipples, you felt it. You knew what a great need you had as the feverish ache caused a breakout of a thin layer of sweat over your body. You could only describe it as needing. Needing the touch. Needing the sex. Needing his knot.

"Why... why?" You groan over the soft furs of your bed. Your scent filled through the room with great excitement. And god— you could feel him coming closer.

"Miserable yet?" He asks in the doorway of the room.

You're an omega. You need a knot.

I don't need anything! You insisted.

And yet, here you are, your walls clamping tight. You swore you were going to die if he didn't come closer. And he did—

Limping into the room while you cried out louder. The men gathered outside the door were cut off when Ivar slammed it beside him, dragging himself up on top of you.

"This is your fault." Your legs kick out, "Everything made sense... then you came. Now I can't... I can't."

He didn't even need you to finish his sentence. Your hips ground up to him, soaking his trousers in your sweet wetness. The smell of your arousal has dug deep under his skin, drawing his clothed hips to rut against yours.

"As I told you." He says, "Omegas need knots."

9:01PM · Monday, April 16th, 2018 · 29

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