More Than Innocent

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He's always had a crush on the girl. She's soft spoken but firm, never letting anyone push him around. Despite the fact that he never needed defending, he finds it sweet that this girl in cherry red skirts and snowy white thigh highs with adorable red bows always defends him. One winter morning, he realizes something is off.

"(Y/N) you don't have stockings today." He hears Ubbe note over the dull, fake wood table. Despite only be passing with a pack of sour gummies she bubbles up, pulling the creamy sweater over her palms. She hops up onto the table, obnoxiously brushing the hand that tacked away on his laptop with a flutter of her skirt and precious smooth skin.

"Because I got something special!" She trills.

"Special?" Ubbe looks to Hvitserk, questioning him with his eyes as if to ask if he knew.

"Take a look!" She turns to dangle her foot into Ubbe's lap. A twinge of jealousy– okay, maybe a strike of electricity sears through his skin. She giggles, twiddling her toes in the black flats she wears today. Ubbe looks to her foot curiously but then, he finds what he's looking at.

"You got a tattoo?" Ivar notices before Ubbe does. His voice a cross between shocked, amused and... almost upset. Your beautiful virginal skin was cut by a lovely dye. He misses the virgin-like skin but he can't deny that it opens a whole new realm of possibilities. Maybe, he thinks, just maybe...

You turn your head over to look at Ivar with a swish of your long braid.

"Isn't it pretty?" You ask him so eagerly that he can only dumbly agree. Whatever it was– a line of flowers, runes or a tattoo from your newest obsession, the glee of your smile shuts his snappy lips up.

"It's kinky." The words escape his lips before he can shut them up– cursing himself that very moment for saying it. Your eyes have gone wide and bright with a rim of white as they catch his. Hvitserk's balking laugh cuts your awkward moment and you jump off the table, backing up into someone.

"I think I'm going to be late for class!"

You didn't even have class Thursdays.

Ivar the Boneless ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now