Like No Other

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It was risky business for Alphas to be near their mates while pregnant. Not forgetting the fact that they were highly territorial, but also amazingly possessive. Their strength was only enhanced by their prime instincts; reproduce, kill and eat. They could easily snap a wrist with a wet crack, thrust someone across the hall into a wall and surely, if there was ever an alpha, Ivar was the perfect example of one. His nasty temper meant that there was a mandatory midwife in place of the experienced thralls who knew much of the art of bringing new life into the world.

Of course that meant that the Alpha of the home could not intrude on the process. Usually, Viking males were in the room. They were there for support and to help loosen the keys of the home upon the womb. He did his duties of offering to Frigg a long time ago. Now he was edgy hearing the gasping grunts in the chambers of the Great Hall.

"I'm sure it's fine." Ubbe was beside him, constantly restraining his fellow Alpha. Sigurd had been banished out of the hall while mother's sweet voice could be heard within the room.

"Push, (Y/N), you're almost there." Ivar perks up, looking in the direction of the doorway like a lost pup after his master's sweet voice.

"Why should I just sit here while she screams for me?" Ivar's grip is tight on his wooden chair, streaks of his claws scarring its back.

"Mother is in there." Hvitserk motions his blade over to the door. "If she's really a witch, we have nothing to fear."

He turns his eyes away. Sure– nothing to fear. Nothing at all.

The hours rage on. Or, hour. It only felt like it had been hours with Ubbe's constant eagle of an eye on him. His mating mark was itchy from his nape down to his finger tips. His body feels entirely lit aflame from the tips of his fingers pricking his skin. You felt the same– primly because it was your ache that left you on a furless bed, digging your claws into the floorboards and screaming out your raging pain.

"My prince!"

"You can't be here!"

"Ivar!" Your mother in law leaves your side following a contraction that left your limbs willing to give out. You turn your head away from the pattern and striation of the ground that you've nearly memorized this last hour or so. As you turn your doey, exhausted eyes, its to the tassels on your mate's tunic. The rising growl in his chest leaves you turning your head down submissively to him. He's pleased with your sweet submission, turning down his head to yours in a small and soft nuzzle.

No words, no thoughts.

Yet... he nearly said everything he had to with his nose caressing your sweaty strands. No other alpha of his brothers would be so brazen to break through this room. As another wave of pain rips through your body, you nearly manage a weak smile. He was like no other alpha– and that was why you loved him.

Ivar the Boneless ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now