Tell Her

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Taking you into war with him could go one of two ways. Either incredibly well or terribly wrong. In this case, it was terribly wrong for the saxons.

"We should release him. He is a prince like you and I." Ubbe said aside him while he nursed a gash on the side of his arm. He scrunched the bridge of his nose up tight.

"(Y/N) has Aethelred." Ivar says, "if you would like to dig up the bone from under her claws, you may try."

It all started when Aethelred knocked Ivar off of his chariot and it only got worse from there when you sprung loose. Several rooms away, Ivar could hear the slight screams off of the lips of the battle worn prince.

Ubbe glanced as if to look for the room Aethelred was in, grimacing. "You couldn't convince your wife to stop?" He suggests.

"She scares me when she is in these moods. Would you like to try?"

Ivar the Boneless ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now