A Promise

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Ivar takes a step on the warm pool floor. His feet are steadied by a simple pool noodle that he holds above the waters that float about his chest. Water therapy isn't his favourite activity, but it beats being the process of healing from surgery and Sigurd's cruel words that arose about taking 'the easy way out.'

"Come to me," His physical therapist (Y/N) says. Despite that cute little one piece, he know far better than to blindly try and walk to you. Not after last time.

"So they can make fun of the cripple?" Ivar says, stopping to gesture at the other patients in separate areas of the pool. His area was far different. If one looked, no one was around. That was likely due to his shit temper and roaring threats to break an old man's limbs after he dared have a hoot at his expense. If he was being honest, it was probably more for their safety tan his.

"So you can walk Gyda down the aisle like she wants you to." You say. He stiffens as if marred at the thought of not being able to complete what she asked of him. At the beginning you tried the soft approach to being around him. It didn't work. What did work was finding what was important to him. He knows that you've gotten close to him, uncomfortably so for him.

That gets him to move. "I'm going." Ivar snaps, and he presses forward. You watch as he steps with the flow of water towards you. As much as you worried that he might fall, he doesn't. Your breath catches and is released when he finally makes it to you past the resistance of the pool water. This time, the old man is left saying nothing across the pool as you bob on your heels with glee.

"Sad to say I think you'll have to walk her down." You set your hands on your hips. It's not that he doesn't want to, but you had a discussion at length with him regarding the expectation for him to fail. They all expected he couldn't do it. Even his mother did through her aggressive overprotectiveness. All but Gyda.

"Looks like it," He says, annoyed. You motion him to turn and walk in the other direction when he shocks you.

"Come with me to her wedding," He throws over his shoulder. Your nerves are strung tight. Of course you want to go to see the fruit of your work, and maybe a little more... But you could be reported to the board for crossing such a line.

"Ivar..." You begin. As soon as Ivar dropped off, he picks back up without a pause.

"You can be my doctor, not a date. In case I fall, if such a thing should happen, you would be there. You wouldn't want to leave me to wither, would you?"

Dramatic, you think. Ivar turns with a magnanimous grin that makes any argument buzzing abut in your head fall dead.

"Of course not." You say with a half-smile and look to the clock. The session is technically over, but like usual, you can't resist just a little more time with him. He makes his way back to you, soaring your heart with pride at his achievement.

"Good. Wear something pretty. Mother is too picky." Ivar sits on the steps to the pool, scooting himself up with his muscled arms dragging him up the steps.

"I'll see if I can find something, Ivar."

When he lifts himself up and out of the water, you sit by his side on the steps. He hesitates, but his hand ultimately drapes on the wet fabric of your swimsuit over your waist. He leans in, whispering soft words as sweet as candy in your ear. His words are followed by a quick, chaste kiss to your temple.

"Its a date." 

Ivar the Boneless ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now