Capture the Queen

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Once upon a time, you were allies. You fought beside Ivar the Boneless for the benefit of your people and his people. Eventually though, it came to this.

"Are you awake?"

The voice cutting through your blinding headache belonged to him. It belonged to the man that captured you, that one time you truly believed loved you and all that you did for one another. Now that you were collared up by chains, those feelings dashed far away.

"'M always awake." You slurred, your head dropping against your chest as you looked at him. The fuzzy white of your vision eventually dissipated in front of your eyes. From white to the dark of the room you sat in, you finally came to realize where you were. Your chains were tight and taut on your throat, settling you with a deep rage. Being collared like a dog wasn't an option for you. Your hands snapped to your belt, to find nothing there. No axe or knife, nothing. Instead, Ivar laughed darkly, coming up beside you and lightly knocking your bare hip with his foot. The dress had a daring slit and a deep cut neckline. You lurched forward to strike at him, but the chains keeping you in place at your wrists stopped any movement.

"I hate to say it, but I told you to side with me." Ivar laughs. "What did you say to me in that bath?"

Ivar's Great army defeated Lagertha and your army that day. You were never the sort of woman to retreat. Odin's or Freyja's cruel punishment manifested in this room now. There were no axes of swords and it all became uncomfortably real to you as you relived the day Ivar and you discussed plans against the great witch.

"Lagertha is a Queen. I could stand beside another Queen." You swam up to the edge of a bath, your breasts pressing up against the ridge of a wooden bath that held up the water you bathed in. Ivar, fully dressed, fiddled a knife between his fingers as he watched you.

"So are you. You could increase your share of land." Ivar suggests you side with him. "Run away with me, be my queen."

Everytime you said you would side with Ivar it was because he was witty, because the gods were by his side and because he was the son of Ragnar Lothbrok, who your father loved. You balked out a laugh.

"Ragnarssons don't love Queens. They only love slaves."

Ivar's boot nudges under your ass between your soft legs, sliding up until it ran up against your naked sex. You inhale sharply as he moves his foot up despite leaning on his crutch. Somehow, here he was, walking and more than able to touch you in the way you both never imagined.

"Ragnarssons only love slaves." You inhale sharply.

"But you could have been a queen." 

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