Can't Say No

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Ivar hobbled most forcefully in through camp, legs buttered with stagnant blood. The other men stormed through shrieking for their partners under the rage of war. But you were different: quiet like a mouse. He rolled his lower lip into his mouth, rubbing his palm over plump green leaves.

"(Y/N)." He rasps at first, turning around in the camp as others called for their lovers. Silence at first, but then, a shuffle as your olive toned face surfaced. Tawny between dark leaves of green, you crawled like his beautiful plump kitten he knew you were. Ivar climbed over the mud at the clamor of screams from his men discovering cold, bloody wives.

"Ivar." You said, gold jingling from your earrings as you crawled closer. Words fell cold on his lips as he pressed thick brunette strands past your plump cheeks to hook behind your ear. His lips moved along yours in a needy kiss.

"Wherever I keep you, you're an awful distraction." He murmured.

"If you didn't want me, you shouldn't have said yes." You said. Ivar pulled back, thumb teasing along your lips.

"You expected me to say no?"

Ivar the Boneless ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now