53. See You

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Hi I'm back !

"Are you sure you don't want to go back home before leaving ? Just to make sure you have everything you need ?" She asks for the 1000th time today.

Shawn laughs, his spit curl bouncing on his forehead as he shakes his head. His smile is as perfect as always and she knows she will miss it. She's not too sad though, she knows he won't be away for too long. It's not as if he was going on tour, he's just going to L.A for some writing. He's really excited to finally be back at writing. He loved his festival tour, but he really needs to put words on the experiences he has had lately, on the incredible feelings of the last few months.

"I'm still as certain as I was ten minutes ago, darling. Don't be so worried for me, I'm an adult now." He knows he's clearly bad at being organized, but at least he tries.

"Shawn..." Y/N gives him an are-you-serious look, but smiles at him right after that.

"I'm kidding, I just want to spend the rest of my free time with you two. John got all my stuff, he's gonna bring everything to the airport for me."

His girl nods and grabs his hand for the rest of the walk. The couple is just hanging out in the streets of Toronto with Y/N's best friend. Shawn has to leave the city for a few weeks, but instead of packing all his stuff today, he chose to spend some quality time with his girl and her friend. John is picking him up at the intersection of Bay Street and College Street at 6.00 PM.

It's a beautiful day, not too warm, not too cold. That's the perfect weather for wandering in the city. The air is usually thick if it's too hot and bruning if it's icy, but today, it's just fine.

So far, the trio has done some shopping, mainly for the condo and for Shawn because : "I'm bored with my same old clothes."

"Why don't we go eat some pizza ?" Shawn asks the girls, this thought coming out of nowhere.

"Are you serious, Shawn ?" Y/N's friend laughs. "It's only 5.00 PM."

"Oh, believe me, he could eat pizza at any time during the day. Especially if there's hot sauce." The girlfriend answers instead of the tall boy.

Y/B/F laughs some more at Y/N's comment and Shawn rolls his eyes. He knows this may not be the best time to eat pizza, but he also knows that he won't enjoy the airline's food.

"So are you in, or not ?" He asks again, his belly already screaming for food.

Y/N gives a questioning look to her best friend who agrees with a quick nod. Shawn smiles proudly and starts walking faster.

"Shawn ! Wait !" His girl calls.

The two girls can't keep up with his pace. It's such an advantage to have long legs like his. He's already waiting for the next red light to turn green.

"Pizza doesn't wait !" Shawn screams from a few feet away. Some passers-by turn around, intrigued, but don't stare for too long.

This kid...

Fortunately for the girls, they manage to catch Shawn up before the red light turns green.

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