The beggining

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"COME ON (y/n)!! WERE GONNA BE LATE!!" My best friend (f/n) yelled at me.
Ugh. It's almost a bad thing I past my medical exams. Waking up at 4 am everyday is DEFINITELY something I could go without. But a girl needs her cash, right??
I finish getting ready by pulling my hair back with two Bobbi pins, and put on my scrubs. (F/n) is still yelling at me from downstairs.


"Oh, I'm sorry if I'm holding you back, I'm sure you can find another place to live." I say with a grin.

"Fine just hurry. You're lucky I love you or you'd be so dead right now."

"I know (f/n), I know" I say, grabbing some pancakes she made ( with all the extra time I took getting ready 😉) and walked out the door.

On the car ride to work, I see a red blob in the road, and as we pull closer, I notice it's a little boy in a red
jacket, staring at the ground.
"PULL OVER, PULL OVER!" I scream, and (f/n) jerks the wheel.
I hop out and run over to him.
"Are you okay??" I ask
"Yeah, sorry miss, this spider just looked really cool. It was glitching, I swear!" He states
His mother, I assume, runs over and pulls him closer, profusely thanking me and (f/n).  As the boy walks away, I stare at the intriguing spider. I lean in closer to get a better look and
"OW! This stupid thing bit me!" I yell
"It's your fault for closing in on a spider, dipshit."   
(F/n)  states
I sigh while giggling at her remark, and we continue our trip to work.
Once we get to the hospital, the chief of surgery starts barking orders at everyone. I swear, (f/n) and I must of run 100 rounds each, just before lunch. We ate our lunches in silence because we were so starving, then our pagers went off, again.
We rushed to trauma, and saw there was a major accident on sixth street.
"Looks like we won't be eating lunch anytime soon." I said
" I think you're right"
We quickly got to work, trying to help everyone we could.
Then I picked up a record chart to give to the head of the trauma department, Dr.Hund, but I couldn't let go.
"(y/n), those charts, please."
"Yes, one second sir." I was starting to get nervous
"(y/n) people are dying, I need those charts!" He raised his voice. Uh-oh.
He tried to grab them from me, but they were sticking. I was seriously freaking out!
"(y/n) let go!"
"Sir I'm trying but I can't!!"
"This is ridiculous, let me see your hand."
I stopped pulling and pushed my hand towards him. He looked shocked.
"Did you, by chance, spill glue all over your hands?"
"What? No!"
"Then why is this file sticking to you, if you aren't holding on!"
"I don't know!"
I started to tear up because all the pressure. He was right, people are dying!
"Just like spider man!" Said a little girl waiting for someone.
"What?" I asked.
She held out her comic and gave it to me. I quickly scanned through it. It seemed too far fetched to be true. I tried to give it back but I couldn't.
She giggled.
"It's okay, you keep it! I've always wanted there to be a spider Woman!" She said in excitement. What?
"Okay (y/n), lets get a scalpel and peel this stuff off you" (f/n) stepped in.
My first day of work was just great, if you were asking.

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