The Spider Verse

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One by one, four people dropped to the ground, with amazing grace. They all looked so different,
especially since one was... a pig?
You looked at Peter to see if he understood what was going on, but his jaw was practically on the floor.
" hey, psst, (y/n), who are those people?" Miles asked in a hushed voice.
Aunt May interjected before I could answer "oh please, you think your the first to come to me?" She says with a confidence.
"Wait, wait, hold up! Is that.." Miles begins
" yes Miles, hi, I'm Gwen Stacy." A blond girl interrupts.
She begins to explain her backstory
" My name is Gwen Stacy." She says this time, only a little louder.
"I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last two years, I've been the one and only Spider-Woman. You guys know the rest. I joined a band. Saved my dad. I couldn't save my best friend, Peter Parker. So now I save everyone else. And I don't do friends anymore. Just to avoid any distractions. And one day this weird thing happened. and I mean, like, really weird. I was blown into last week. Literally. I landed in New York. But not my New York. My Spider-Sense told me to head to Visions Academy. Wasn't sure why until I met you" she says, and points to Miles.
" when you, forcefully ripped my hair out I realized you had the power. And I'm guessing these two do as well." She says.
Peter and I nod.
" Alright, one down three to go, who are you?" Peter says, and points to a man in a trench coat.

" My name is Peter Parker, code name Spider-Noir. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. In my universe it's 1933 and I'm a private eye. I like to drink egg creams and I like to fight Nazis. A lot. Sometimes, I let matches burn down to my fingertips just to feel something. Anything." He states blankly.
" oh, well. Alright. How bout you?" You say to a little girl, with some sort of... robot?

"Hi, guys! Konichiwa! Hajimemashite yoroshiku!
My name is Peni Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. I'm from New York in the year 3145. I have a psychic link with a spider who lives inside my father's robot, and we're best friends forever!" She says offering me some candy that her robot had stored for her.
" uh, thanks."
" got it. Angsts Teen, Captain America, and some anime girl. Now why the hell is there a pig here?" Peter questions.

" I may not look like much but believe me, I can pack a punch!" The pig extends his hand in order to shake them with Peter.
"I just washed my hands, that's why they're wet. No other reason. My name is Peter Porker, but if we're doing code names, call me Spider-Ham! I was bitten by a radioactive pig. I'm a photographer for the Daily Beagle. When I'm not pooching around, I'm working like a dog trying to sniff out the latest story. I frolic and I dance and I do this with my pants." He says with a smile.

" okay guys we need to focus. Let's make this new goober and get the hell out of her. No offense, miss may. " you say.
" oh, non taken, as long as I can be a bridesmaid! " she smiles and laughs to her self while configuring this machine to help re-create the goober.
" oh here, allow me, ma'am." Peni says.
" how long is this gonna take?" Gwen asks.
" Oh not long at all! All I need to do is take the broken goober and rewire it's mainframe to work collectively with the program synopsis. Then, I should be able to download a new program on it, allowing us to use it!"
Everyone stares at her blankly.
" uh, right, thank you, Peni." You say as she hands you a new one, decorated with a spider and in the form of a necklace.
" where did you find the time to do this?!" Miles questions.
" I just told you how simple it was! I was decorating most of the time ." Thank God for Peni.
" here's a problem," Spider-Noir starts. " none of us have a place to sleep, and it's dark out."
" he's right. If we're not fully functional in the morning we could blow this whole mission. " Gwen states.
" I might be able to pull some strings." You say.
I thank Aunt May, and so does Peter I tell everyone to get in my car so I can drive them to my place
" Spider-sleepover!" Peni shouts.
" SHOT GUN" Peter yells
" SHOT, what, aw man. " Miles says.
" Hold up you two," I was about to leave, when Aunt May pulled Peter and I aside, " ever since I lost my Peter I just," tears welled in her eyes, almost pushing past the barrier. But she kept her stance.," I can't seem to feel as happy as I used to. But seeing this. You two. Always on the same page, little jokes, being all cute and couple-y. It makes me think that my boy was happy when he was here. And now seeing you here Peter with this lovely lady, it makes my heart swing. Thank you both so much. " she says.
" stay right there I have something for you two." She leaves Peter and is alone to retrieve something.

" oh god, Peter what have we done. I don't want to tell her we're not a couple, but I can't lie to her!" I whisper yell.
" so why lie?" He asks.
I stare at him in confusion.
" I know this may seem kinda forward, but, I forget my troubles when I'm with you. My heart soars, I feel younger and energized. You give me a-a, a sort of confidence! A confidence I could've never had without you. So if you'll have me.." he starts.
" (y/n) will you be my..."
Aunt May walks in, holding a velvet box.
She lifts the cover and inside are you promise rings, with traditional (y/culture) promises and meaningful phrases.
I began to cry.
" they been passed down from generation to generation. I was going to give them to Peter, but you two... you two deserve this. " she says and exits the room
" goodnight dearies. Just remember, I'm always here to help." She says as she walks upstairs.
The car horn honks
" ah, ONE MINUTE!" Peter yells back.
" so, to finish my thought."
" yes Peter?"
" will you be my girlfriend?"
" id love to!" You say putting each other's rings on.
Walking quickly to you car, you hope in drivers seat, Peter in passenger. I'm glad he beat Miles to it.
Then, (f/n) calls.
" oh shit. Shush for a minute guys. This determines wether or not we have a place to sleep!" They all shut up.

" hey, (f/n), how's it going? Yeah? Cool. I need the place to myself for tonight."

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