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"(Y/n), hurry up with the goober!" Miles yelled as more henchmen filled into the collider.
I searched around for a place to put it, then I felt as if I was being lifted up.
"Hey babe, what's going on?" Peter asked smugly.
"Oh my god, Parker, not right now." I giggled, and rolled my eyes.
"Well I might be able to help you with that problem of yours."
"Really?! Quick, where does it go!" I ask, and Peter just shoots webs around my waists, and drags me to where the goober is inserted.
"SHOW ME! NOT DRAG ME BY YOUR WEBS YOU OAF!" I yell as a response.
"I gotta say, (y/n), you look good from this angle." He flirts.
"When I get up there you're so dead, Parker."
"HEY!" Gwen shouts, fighting off a bunch of henchmen,
I just wink at Peter and made my way up to the ledge where the insertion slot was held.
I put the goober in, and the portal opens up.
Peni's universe is up first.
"Bye Peni! We'll miss you!" I say
"Bye! Thank you so much, (y/n), for all the help. I can't wait to tell everyone about you!" She says, and jumps into the portal.
Then Spider-ham
"See ya later, hammy!" Peter calls out.
"Goodbye, everyone. THATS ALL FOLKS!" He says and jumps into the portal
"Is he allowed to say that, legally?" Miles asked, I just shrugged.
Next up is Spider-Noir.
"Thank you, all of you. Now I'm going to take this weird contraption that the talking pig has given me, and make my exit. Goodbye." He says, jumping into the portal with a rubix cube.
Then Gwen's universe popped up.
"Okay, I'll keep this short, but I-"
"GWEN LOOK OUT!" Miles interrupted as a henchman shot our way. It knocked her off balance and she fell in the portal without saying goodbye.
"NOOO!" Miles shouted.
I rushed to the goober and pulled it out. I couldn't let it skip to Peters universe, not yet.
Miles and I were fighting off the henchmen to the best of our ability when I realized that Peter was missing. I looked over, and he was on the ground, glitching.
" oh god. Peter!" I ran to him, and kneeled by his side.
" are you okay? Oh my god, what happening?" I ask, tears pricking my eyes.
" (Y/N) WATCH OUT!" Miles yells, but it's too late. A henchman has his gun loaded and aimed at my head. I'm done for.
I look up to see Sam, standing in front of me. She's bleeding out, hand over her wound.
" go get em', do it for your mans. Do it for me." Was all she said before she took her final breath.
Ina got of rage and passion, I grab the F2000, and go crazy. I got everything I am for with no scope at all. Just all the last man falls, Miles turns to me and says,
" we've got a bigger storm coming, just wait."
He's right. Kingpin himself hasn't shown up yet, neither has the man in the cape. We know they will, but until then, we have to save Peter.
I run and out the goober back into its spot, and help Peter up. It's his turn now.
"(Y/n), before I go. I have to tell you something."
" you can tell me anything Peter."
" I love you."
I stare back, tears forming in my eyes.
" I love you too." I say, as we share a passionate kiss.
" (Y/N)! KINGPIN AND THE CAPE GUY!!" Miles warns.
I turns to Peter and give him a final hug, before he lets himself fall back into the portal.
" This isn't the last of me,sweetheart!"
"I'm counting on it, babe!" I say,
Letting my tears fall down my face as I see the portal engulf him. I took the goober out of the slot, and prepared myself for this upcoming battle.
Kingpin and his cape-wearing goon are back

" Well, if it isn't Spider-Man's sweetheart, and their little side kick."

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