The legacy

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Miles and I were running as fast as we can to run away from this guy with big metal claws and a cape.
Hasn't he ever seen the incredibles?

This guy is relentless, but miles and I are doing pretty great, considering we're genetically enhanced spider-people

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This guy is relentless, but miles and I are doing pretty great, considering we're genetically enhanced spider-people. We're running away and lose him about a block from this stupid new coffee shop called "foam party" it's stupid, I know.
" oh my god, what am I gonna do?" Miles asks
" okay miles, you don't have to, but my roommate is out until tomorrow afternoon, and you can spend the night if you want. "
He looks at me with an adorable grin on his face. Omg this kid is so frickin cute!
Why are my thoughts so loud? Never mind.
"Wow! I'd love to. I can't go back to school- I, uh, I go to a boarding school, so ya know, ha ha, I have to sleep over, but I really don't want to tonight thanks for offering .."
" Miles! Hey, hey it's alright man. My, my car should be back the hospital on twelfths street. It's not a long walk from here. " I say, leading him.
" hospital, are you okay?" He asks, following my lead.
" oh yeah. I work there. "
" woah, really? My mom works there too! You might know her. Mrs. morales?" He tells
" I knew I recognized your name from somewhere! She's an excellent nurse! And very kind"
" yeah she-" Miles begins, but gets cut off by a glowing... orb? What is this? Miles and I begin to sprint closer to my car, hoping to get in before this thing gets us.
" unlock the door Unlock The Door UNLOCK THE DOOR!" Miles screams in terror
Too late.
Next thing you know, miles and I are webbed to my car.
" I'd hate to meet you this way but, my spidey senses were telling me come here, well after ya know. I got pulled from my universe, so yea." this dude states cooly
He looks a lot like Spider-Man
" wow okay. Just web us up like that. Rude." I say, but there's something about him. Maybe I'm just jealous (f/n) is getting laid right now and I'm not.
" so, who are you?" Miles asks?
" I'm Spiderman. From my universe. The names peter, Peter b Parker. " he says with a smile.
I blush a little at his charming confidence.
" I'm (y/n), and this is Miles. We, well both of us are spider, uh spider people." I stutter.
" two spider people in the same universe? Cool. Let me help you out of those webs." He says, and begins to untangle Miles.
When he gets it me, my leg is so sore from being held in this position I fall into his arms.
" oh my god! I'm so sorry!"
" don't be, I wouldn't mind helping a pretty lady like you at all."
I form a small smile, then remember I'm on a mission.
" ok, everyone in the car, I'll take us back to my place."
" So is that an invitation?" Peter asks
" just get in." I say while rolling my eyes
" she totally digs me." Peter tells Miles, and he just rolls his eyes.
We make it to my house, and I chauffeured everyone inside.
" I don't want that creepy guy in our trails again, so quickly people. "
They sit on the couch while I run up stairs and get some clothes for them. I hope (f/n) won't mind if I borrow some of her boyfriends clothes for these randos I just met on the street. Oh well!
" okay guys, I found some extra clothes that might fit you, try them on." I offer.
" oh, so, you have a boyfriend then?" Peter asks disappointed.
" oh, a, no not at the moment these are my friends, my, my friends (f/n) boyfriends clothes, so, *ahem*, yeah." Oh my gosh, whenever I'm around him I stutter like crazy.
" let's watch tv!" I say, to try and change the subject

I turn on the tv and the news channel begins blasting on screen
" citizens of New York, I have some terrible news. Spider-Man was found dead tonight at around 10:30 pm. He has been identified as Grad student Peter Parker. "
The image of his face appears on screen.
" Wait, there was a third spider person on this universe? he, he looks kinda like me." Peter says, in total disbelief.
He turns off the tv and turns to us.
Miles and I are trying to hold our tears back. We had to be strong. For him.
" I know you guys are sad, but there has to be a reason I'm here, and why he isn't any more. We can do this." He says with a small grin.
" actually, he was the first spider person here. And he gave us a flash drive thing. I forgot what he called it." I attempt through tears.
" he said it was a goober. We need it to destroy the collider. " Miles stands up with a new found confidence.
" we gotta do it. It was his last wish. " he states
" everybody get some sleep. Next thing in the morning we will begin training so you two will know how to control your powers. Then we'll avenge Spider-Man. Sound good?" Peter asks
" yea. I can show you where your rooms are."  I sniffle.
I lead miles to (f/n)'s room, since she isn't here. And Peter to mine.
" you can have my bed."
" then where will you sleep?"
" I'll just take the couch"
" what, this is your house, you should sleep on the bed."
" but your my guest and an official Spider-Man. You take it. "
" we could share.."
" would you two please SHUT UP!  I'm trying to sleep here!" Miles says, ending our argument.
" okay yea, share the bed sounds good, sorry Miles!" I yell back.
We climb into bed and it's freezing! Usually, when it's this cold, I wrap myself up in a blanket burrito, or forcefully shove (f/n) in here and make her cuddle with me. I don't have those options now.
Peter turns over to face me.
" hey, are you okay, you shivering."
" oh, yea, haha, just a bit cold."
" .... wanna cuddle"
I stare at him with a small blush and a smile on my face
" yea, sure, thanks." I could barley say without my cheeks heating up more.
He takes me into his masculine arms and holds me close.
I feel A lot better now.

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