Aunt May pt.2

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*The next morning*

"(Y/n), you feeling okay?" (F/n) asked, worry painted across their face.
I sigh.
"Yeah. I called out sick today though, so you can go without me." I explain, turning in bed to face away from the blinds.
"Aww, doing stitches is going to be no fun without someone to talk to." (F/n) pouts.
I manage a weak laugh and roll back over to look at them.
" You better get going, or you're to be late." I remind.
" aw, you care." (F/n) explains, sarcastically.
I throw a pillow at them and they finally leave, but not without giving me the middle finger first.
I nap for a few more hours before getting myself out of bed.
Casually fall out of bed, as per usual on days like this, and put on whatever looks comfortable. I run a brush through my hair, just so it looks presentable. I have to face Aunt May today.
Well, not have to. But she deserves to know what happened, and how peter (even if it wasn't her peter) saved the day.
I hopped in my car and played my (f/s)s until I reached her house.
I silently sat in my car for a few minutes, trying to plan what I was going to say, but nothing crossed my mind. It was as if it were an empty void, and I was about to let all of the spill out onto Aunt May. I walk up to her door and knock four times before she answers.
"Oh! (Y/n)! What a lovely surprise! What bring you here today?" She asks, in an endearing voice, ushering me to come in and sit down.
"Uh, well. It's-it's about Peter, actually." I try to explain
" Are you two still together! Oh dear, I can take care of that precious boy if you need!"
"No, no, well, it's really hard to explain but, Peter nobly sacrificed himself to save the multiverse." I try to explain lightly.
"Sacrifice? Oh my god,is he dead!"
"What?! Oh, gosh, no! I should have explained that better. He went back into his universe, and there is no way for us to contact him." I said, fixing my previous statement.
"The ring. You still wear it?" She asked.
"Yeah, and I hope he does too.."
she went to the kitchen for a brief minute, and came back with some tea.
"Did you know I was coming?"
"Oh no, I just always have tea prepared. You never know when you may need it." She explains, pouring me a cup.
We sit and talk for hours. I explain everything I knew about peter, and everything I learned in that short period of time. I ended up in tears just thinking about it.
"Oh shush. Come here, child. Peter was a great man, and he still is. He's probably a better Spider-Man in his universe, now that he knows you." She tells. I left her house with more knowledge then I learned from medical school. I drove back to my house, and realized that I stayed there all day. A wave of contentment washed over me, feeling more at peace then before.
I stepped up to my door, and unlocked it. As soon as I stepped inside, (f/n) came rushing at me.

"Where have you been? I have been waiting since 8pm!! 8!! It's 10 o'clock!" 
"Woah, calm down, (f/n), I was visiting, uh, my Aunt." I lie.
"(Y/n) your Aunt lives in the country side."
"That's why it took so long. Duh." I respond blandly.
(F/n) stares at me skeptically, and just shrugs their shoulders.
"Whatever. Oh, by the way, you got mail, that's not a bill." (F/n) said, pointing towards the envelope on the counter.
My face lit up as I ran towards it. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"To (y/n) (m/n) (l/n), from Peter Benjamin Parker"

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