The break-in

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"Okay here's the plan. I'm gonna walk in casually, since I'm a student. Then, (y/n) you look like a teacher, so, you too. But from different entrances. Don't worry, everyone here is introverted. Even the teachers, I'd be surprised if they knew each other on a first-name basis." Miles says.
"Peter, you, uh, wait out here?"
" what?? No way! I'm the only one with experience!" Peter said, defending himself.
" he's right Miles."
" Okay,okay, you, uh, oh! There were these teachers who recently got engaged! Yeah! So you can be him, and (Y/n), you be the Mrs!" Miles says cheerily.
" don't worry. Thy won't recognize you, they would've just heard the news, so act like a couple. Okay?"
I stare down at my feet, my face flaring and flashing all different colors of red.
" ye-yeah. Okay." I mange to get out.
" let's get this bread." Miles says and runs away without telling us the rest of the plan.
" wai-" I say, interrupted by peters hand.
" I know we don't know what to do, but DO NOT draw anymore attention to us. There has got to be at least one socially aware nerd in this place." He says and let's me go.
" ok- yeah, right, yup, let's go." I say and walk briskly to the entrance we passed in our way here.
We needed a key card to get in.
" oh damn it." Peter cursed under his breathe.
He looked around, to see if anyone was watching, then pulled me closer.
" hang tight, sweetheart." He said before lifting us in the air on onto the roof.
As you were holding tightly to him, you looked and saw New York from a whole new prospective. It was gorgeous.
" wow! Peter, I, that was, haha! Oh my god!" You exclaim in pure joy.
" glad you liked it. " he says with a cocky smirk.
You glare back and him with a cocky smirk of your own.
" let's just find a way in, got it?"
" yes ma'am!" He responds, straightening his back, and saluting to you.
" oh my god Peter." You giggle
Walking by away from the hunk of man that stood before you, you found an air duck that lead into the school.
" Hey Peter. I think I got something. Come check this out."
" Alright, let's go get Miles' clothes" He says, and promptly climbs into the vent.
" hey! Wait for me!" I say going in and pushing past him doing so.
" hey! Watch where your going, sweetheart! However, a lovely view."
" Don't make me climb back there, Parker.
" is that a threat or a promise?"
You stifle a laugh, even though it wasn't the place or time, it was kinda cute.
" oh! I think I found the teachers lounge! Nobody's in there, so class must be in session. We'd better hurry though. I don't know how long until next period. "
" stop talking and just hop down already."
"Ugh" you say as you push the vent open and hop out of it. You and Peter begin to look around, when you find a closet full of teacher key cards.
" so your the expert, huh?" I say throwing the married couples key card him. We wear them around our neck and try to look for Miles, and try to look like a couple. His arm is around my back and mine, his. We keep smiling at people and I think they may or may not realize what's going on.  Looking for Miles is gonna be for hard, since they wear the same thing, so if he got to his room, it's gonna be impossible
"You hear that?" I ask peter
" yeah, I think-"
" PSST!"
We look over, and Miles is standing in a corner, ushering us over. We walk towards him.
" Miles why are you in a corner?" Peter ask
" I can't just walk up to teacher voluntarily! My cred."
" okay, so what are we even doing! What the plan, you never told us!" I decided to probe deeper.
" I got my stuff, so now, get out before anyone notices. Especially robotics."
" okay. Just casually walk out no big deal." I exclaim.
" follow my lead." Miles says and starts to walk towards the exit.
Kids start whispering and pointing in our direction.
" is that Miles? I thought he wasn't here today?"
" why is he being followed by two randos?"
Then they all look at each other.
"INTRUDERS!" They grab there home made flame throwers and laser guns and chase is down.
" MILES THIS ISN'T CASUAL!" Peter yells as we all run for our lives.
He holds miles and I close to him and jumps outta there, with nearly any marks.
" why am I always saving you two?"
" your Spider-Man. Duh!" I respond.
Miles looks around worriedly. Then droops to the floor.
" woah! Miles are you alright!" I ask
He looks at me with tear stained eyes.
" no.. the- the goober! It's ruined!" He hands it to me. His pants are smoking and so is this. They hit it.
I walk over towards Peter, tears in my eyes
" it's... broken." I say solemnly, and hand it to him.
I walk over to miles, and hold him close.
" this isn't your fault. We all did the best we could. We were surrounded by the smartest kids in the city Miles."
He hugs me back
Peter walks towards us

" I know where we can make a new one"

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