The middle

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Each team plans takes different modes of transportation. Peni, Spider-noir, and spider ham web-sling the way there, and Peter warned them to be stealthy or he personally assured what would happen. I think it's best if that goes undocumented...
Gwen and Miles wear civilian clothing over their suits and take a subway train closest to the location, then walk the rest.
Peter and I drive in my car, park in a secure yet close parking lot, then walk the rest.
" okay, everyone got it?" I ask
Everyone silently nods.
"Let's go kick some ass." Peter adds
" and save the multi verse." I add
" and avenge Peter.." Miles says quietly.
" Let's go kick some ass, save the multiverse, and most importantly, avenge Peter." I finish.
"Most importantly??" Spider ham asks
" oh, you know what I mean, let's get moving!" I say, and the team splits up
I walk with Peter to my car, keys in hand.
" quality alone time. Isn't this nice, (y/n)?"
" yes, Peter. Going to save everyone in the universe and more is so nice. Wouldn't you say?" I reply with a cocky smirk.
He rolls his eyes at me like the drama queen he is, and gets in the passenger side. We drive by then a cat jumps in front of the road. 
" AHHH!" We scream in unison
I swerve out of the road to avoid hitting it. Some car back ends us, and she exits it.
"What the hell? You'd better have insurance." She yells at us.
Peter and I share glances of defeat while we both put on civilian clothes as quickly as possible.
The girl comes up and taps on the glass.
" hey, woah. You should not be doing that while driving, ha!" She laughs to herself.
After peter and I exit the car in our new clothes, I say, " ma'am, I'm so sorry but we really are in a hurry to get to that lab, we need to go. " and quickly try to write down my information so she can call me later on some paper and a pen I found in my car.
" that lab? I work there? Oh, you two must be the new interns! I though there were supposed to be more..." She trails off.
" anyways, my name is Sam. I can help you if you want, since your car is busted."
I looked at Peter and he just nodded softly
" uh, yeah! Thanks Sam!" We say.
Peter moves my car somewhere safe and we get into Sams. The car ride was silent.
" okay, here you are. Oh, and you're going to need these." She says and hands us both access cards to the lab.
" does this, by chance, go the the collider?" Peter questions.
" of course! Did no one tell you what you were doing!" She laughs.
" ha ha no I guess not, anyway, there are, uh, other interns on the way, could I get something for them, while you're here." I ask
" of course. Just please tell them to hurry. The boss does not like tardiness." She says sternly.
We both nod then walk to our planned stations.
"Psst, anyone on here?" I ask into the comms.
" Miles and Gwen, copy."
" the rest copy!" Spider pig says
" ugh, Spider-pig, Peni, and Spider-Noir, copy." Peni reply's.
" thank you, Peni. We got cards that can access the collider. Met us in the... south west wing. Quickly, while no one is here. Over. "
We heard a bunch of colts and waited patiently.  Sam appeared again.
" okay, sorry for the wait, here are your lab coats, please wear them for safety reasons, of course. I got some more for the other interns."
Then miles and Gwen run around the corner, in full uniform.
" uh.. the other interns are into cos play." Peter says.
" okay, well. I'll let it slide for today, but, please, no more, of that." She says and hands them their lab coats.
" Okay thanks Sam! You must be so busy, we'll get right to work! Bye!" I say, shooing her away.
" there would be no excuse for an anime girl, a man in all black and white, and a cartoon pig." I explain.
They just nod as Peni rounds the corner.
" what's up?" She asks.
We give each of them a lab coat, and got on with the plan.
"Oh shit, I think I hear someone coming." I say,
" quick, everyone go back to starting positions!"
Peter and I stand there, and pretend to be talking about something important.
" So. That collider, huh." He starts.
The guard walks is to us and asks, " hey, who are you?"
" the new interns." I reply
" we don't have interns..."
Peter and I stare at each other, and rip off our lab coat.
"You got us." Peter says flatly
I use the web slinger Aunt May gave me and pulled his head back into wall. Once he was passed out, we stole his weapon and access card, just for good measure.
Apparently people heard us, so now we have a crowd. Before the began to attack, they all fell, with Sam in the center.
" hey, interns." She grins.
" what they hell..." Peter trails off.
" look, I know what Kingpin was doing, and I though I had to stop it. Knowing it had powers to open up other universes, I figured you two are the spider people of some other universe." She explains.
" so before that goon, his name is Markus, but he's and idiot, called in back up, I gave everybody a pat on the back. They thought it was a kind gesture, but these are paralizers. They'll be like this for a while." She says.
Peter and I stare at her dumbfounded.
" uh well, yeah. Good work. Let's go kick some ass, again." Peter says.
Sam smiles and strolls down the hall.
"But don't you wanna visit the weaponry first?"

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