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Twenty-Four: Diners & Dudes

First things first, Philadelphia is cold- too cold. Living in the south, snow is rare. Sure, we did get it every once in a while, but not like this. Every second I have been outside, I feel my face hurt and my body shiver, aching for any sort of warmth my body could get.

Tyler told me to bundle up and dress in layers. I listened, of course, but it did not help me in the least bit. I don't know why people would want to live somewhere so cold, but I am working on figuring it out.

Second, everyone here says the word 'water' in the strangest way. Their accents aren't too thick, but something about the way they say that word fascinates me.

In a way, I would describe the accent as a watered down New York accent. I hear it sometimes when Tyler talks. He can sound very aggressive with his words without meaning too. Around here, it's so common to hear the accent and it makes me feel like the odd one out.

Third, I didn't realize that when I agreed to accompany Tyler on this trip that I would be flying in a private plane and staying in a five star hotel. Two things I have never done before in my life.

"Babe, you almost ready?" Tyler calls out to me from the bedroom area.

I check myself over one last time in the mirror, making sure that almost every inch of my skin is covered before I brace the chilly, Philadelphia air once again.

"Coming," I say, flinging the door to the bathroom open to find Tyler sitting in one of the arm chairs waiting for me.

"Finally," he says, standing up from his seated position.

Tyler strolls over to me, reaching his hands up to grab ahold of my face. He presses a kiss to my lips and smiles when he pulls away.

"You are going to be in the car and inside most of the time. Why are you dressed like you're going to Antarctica?" He laughs, pulling my hat down and over my ears.

I swat his hands away and fix my hat and hair.

"You don't understand. It is like a blizzard out there." I tell him.

"Well, considering it isn't even snowing, I don't think it would be classified as a blizzard," he teases.

"I have checked the weather multiple times since we landed. It's going to snow," I inform him.

"We better get going then," he tells me, grabbing my hand to pull me out the door.

I didn't know where Tyler planned on taking me, but he seemed excited.

From what he's told me about our plans, we have Friday together. On Saturday he is going to be busy all day, so I'll be free to do whatever I want. On Sunday he claims to have a surprise for me. Then on Monday we leave around noon.

The second I step out the doors of the hotel and into the parking garage, I feel the cold air hit the skin of my cheeks. I blow out a breath, seeing it in the air. That's how you know it's too cold.

Tyler had rented a car for us to use for the weekend, so I was grateful we were able to avoid using cab services and ubers during our stay. I didn't have anything against them, I just feel that it is easier to have your own car when getting around.

As soon as I get in the car, I turn the heat all the way up, feeling the warm air blow against my skin.

"You're being dramatic," Tyler tells me as he starts to reverse out of the parking spot.

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