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Twenty-Five: Information

After Tyler had left this morning for his day of meetings and business and whatever else it is that he does when he works, I expected to sleep the majority of the morning away. However, my plans for a nice slumber were ruined when I woke up to Tom calling me.

When I answered, I immediately got a mouthful from him, saying I better be getting closer to solving this crime for me to be missing two days of work so suddenly. The conversation led to him telling me about more details, confirming my suspicions that maybe one of the men from the photos committed the murders.

The only evidence recovered from the crime was the bullets discovered in the autopsy. Jane, one of the forensic scientists on the case, ran it for prints, but nothing came back. Security footage had been removed from the bar, along with any of Joeli's records on recent meetings and business plans.

Whoever planned these murders, they are smart. It was without a doubt a premeditated murder by someone who has knowledge on how to get away with murder.

After not being able to match the blown out shell to any type of weapon, Jane finally was able to match the bullet to the weapon; Sig Sauer P938. Of course, I had no idea what that was and had to do some research to find out it is a semi-automatic pistol.

According to Tom, it didn't give us much to go off because apparently it is a very common weapon used in crimes. He directed me to 'search Tyler's house' to see if I found a weapon.

I would hope that with how smart Tyler is, that if he did commit a murder - which I know he did not - he would at least dispose of the weapon and not keep it in his house.

The information that he gave pertaining to the businessmen Tyler works with though was a car parked across the street from Joeli's. Some passerby's claim that there were three men in the car during the time of the murders, looking suspicious.

The piece of information that sparked an interest was a drawing description of one of them. It wasn't hard for me to recognize him as one of the three stooges on Tyler's porch that day.

I knew 'lanky' probably did not commit the murder. He seemed like he didn't know his left from his right, but I know that could have been a facade. However, I also know that he works for Kensley, and it just so happens that Kensley is the one orchestrating this entire business deal.

I know it isn't right to assume someone is guilty based off that little of evidence, but knowing that Lanky was seen outside of Joeli's during the time of murders gives a lot to go off of.

My current task is to talk to lanky and figure out any information I can. I'm not too worried about it, though. Tom says if I can't pry any information out of him then they will be bringing him in for questioning when we arrive back in Madison.

Walking down to the conference room of the hotel Tyler and I were in, I knew I would find lanky somewhere. I remember seeing him on the plane, but haven't seen him since.

When I turn the corner of the hallway, I see him standing there, wearing the same black suit uniform as the previous two times I saw him. He's standing outside the doors to the conference room, arms held together in front of him.

There's actually a good amount of men standing the same way as him, all assertive and ready to pounce if needed. I didn't know what their jobs were. I assumed drivers at first, but is a driver really needed to stand outside a conference room in a very well protected hotel?

He could be an assistant, maybe even a body guard. Lanky doesn't give off the impression that he can fight someone off, but you never know. After all those sessions with Jace, I definitely wouldn't go down without a fight against anyone.

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