Chapter 18

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Camila's point of view

I looked at the ring on my finger as I sat at a table in a restaurant. Me and Y/N were waiting for my parents to come so I could tell them. We told Carson yesterday and he absolutely freaked out (in a good way of course).

"Thank you baby" I said to My now fiancé as I laid my head in her shoulder. She kissed my head making me smile.

She always makes me smile.

"Don't thank me, I didn't do anything" she said.

"Yes you did. You love me like no has ever before. So thank you" I said and I kissed her cheek. I got up once I seen my parents walk in. "Hi Mami, Hi papi"

I gave them a hug and we all sat down. I never brought up my parents to Y/N and I never brought up Y/N to my parents. I kind of just kept them Anonymous to each other.

"Who's this young lady Karla?" My dad asked with a big smile.

"My fiancé" I squealed out and their mouths dropped.

"Karla we are so happy for you but why did you wait this long to tell us about her?" My dad asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well Y/N and I have only been together for about 3 months. And I was also scared that you would judge me. She's 19" I said and their faces stayed the same. With a smile.

"We don't care about age or sexuality. Love is love and that's it. You can't help who you love Mija" my mom said and I literally Almost cried. "Now let's order some food because I'm hungry"

I laughed at her and looked at Y/N who was already looking at me. I gave her a smiled and held her hand. I was getting married,but not to just anyone. I'm getting married to this awesome lovable piece of human right here.

"Papi, do you know that yesterday Matthew came to my house with flowers and asked me to get back with him" I said to my dad and he just shook his head.

"I want to kill that horrible snaggle tooth, Pinocchio nose looking man" my dad said and Y/N laughed.

"That makes 2 of us" she said and her and my dad laughed together.

"Oh my. Mija?! Did you hear that raspiness?" My mom said and I bit my lip as I looked at my fiancé who was talking to my dad.

"I know right. She's hot, sweet, sexy, loving, caring all mixed together. She gotta more mature and responsible from when I first met her" I told my mom and she nodded her head in agreement.

"So now baby plans" my mom started and I smiled. I've told Y/N multiple times that I wanted more kids and she agreed. She said as soon as she turns 20 we would try. And the best part is that her birthday is on March 1st and today is February 15. It was close.

"I want 2 more grandkids a maybe a dog or a cute cat" my mom said making me laughed and I remembered we just got a dog. Well Y/N brought her dog Honey to come live with us. Carson loves her and it's so cute when they sleep together.

"We have a dog" I said and she smacked my hand.

"And when were you going to tell me? That's you guys first responsibility together!!"

"I know mama I'm sorry. It's Y/Ns puppy and she just moved in with us"

"I have a question Mija. Does she work? And does she help pay bill?" She asked and I nodded. Of course she helped pay bills.

"Yes of course mama. I helped her get a job where I am. Of course she much lower than me but we both get to work from home and we get paid finely"

"Wow Mija, She seems perfect" my mom said and I shook my head.

"There's no such thing as perfect mama.( go read "cause it blows" to understand😉 it'll make sense)She's just what I need. Anyone else in the world could hate something about her" I said to her and she nodded.

"Your such a wise woman Mija" she said and we both laughed.

We ate our food and talked the whole time. My parents seemed to love Y/N and she seemed to love them too. The dinner went great and I'm so happy they got along so well.

"Can we pleaseeee have a baby already Y/N" I whined as I came out the bathroom in my room. I looked at her as she sat laid on the bed watching tv.

"Mila we had a deal. It not that far away just hang on" she said as I made my way to the bed. I crawled on her lap and poked out my lip.

"Please, I don't think I can wait any longerrr" I said putting my arms around her neck and throwing my head back.

"Why are yo so hype to have a baby inside of you. It happened once before" Y/N laughed and I looked at her.

"Yeah but this time it's gonna be yours. Not some old pervert who practically raped me" I said and she shot up almost throwing me off her lap.

"Raped you!?!? You didn't tell me this!" She said and I looked at her confused. Yes I did.

"Yes I did" I said and she gave me that 'huh' face. "That day when I cried in the bathroom. I said he raped me....more than..once"

"I'm gonna fucking kill him when I see him!" She yelled and I grabbed her arms to calm her down. "Wait till your dad find out-NO!" I yelled cutting her off.

"Please don't tell him!! He'll freak out and probably murder somebody and then probably beat my ass for not telling him" I said begging her not to tell him.

"Ok ok alright! Just-let's go to bed" she said turning the tv and the lamp off and hugging my body. I loved it when she wrapped me in her arms.

Sometime at night when I try to move she would wrap her arms even tighter around me making me smile. To make sure I'm still there and that I won't leave.

"Good night love" Y/N said as she kissed my cheek and I smiled.


Wowowowowowowo this is getting boring. Imma maybe start a little drama so get ready? Idk.

*whisper voice*
Idk what imma do so.....❤️

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