Chapter 28

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Camila's point of view

"Don't do it!" Y/N yelled at me

"Y/N" I whined. She was yelling at me because I was lifting a box. My stomach isn't even big, I can lift the damn box!

"Don't you dare lift that! I'll beat your ass!" She yelled at me before picking up the big cake box. "Where do you want it?"

"Babe I can do it myself!" I tired to grab the box from her but she moved. "Y/N!"

"No! Your not gonna lift anything. Now tell me where you want this?"

"No" I crossed my arms a pouted. "I know your just trying to help and protect me but I can still Do things"

"I know but- but nothing Y/N. Give me the cake" I held out my hands and she huffed before handing me the box with the cake in it. "Thank you baby"

"But why can't I help you? Your pregnant!" She threw her hands up as she whined. I placed the cake on the kitchen table and turned to face her.

"You can help me when I get bigger. But right now, I can't still function perfectly" I kissed her cheek and walked to the sofa.

"Open up bitch!" I herd from outside my front door and I automatically knew it was Dinah and the girls.

"Well hello to you too" I gave her a hug along with Ally, Normani, and Lauren who thank god was finally over me.

"I'm guessing you guys are not going to Matthews wedding?" Ally asked and my eyes went wide.

"That's today?" I rushed to the fridge to look at the card. "Damn it's in 2 hours"

"Yeah, I knew that and I wasn't even invited" Normani said.

"Ok sorry bye girls" I pushed them out before grabbing Y/Ns hand and rushing her upstairs. "Get dressed!"

"Ok ok I'm looking at what I have" She said as she looked in our walk in closet.

"Ok Y/N don't be mad" I started and she looked at me. "I was gonna wear this at our wedding but I have nothing to wear today sooo.."

"I don't care just hurry up!" She said and I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face once again. I put my hair up neatly and put some makeup on before putting on the dress I wanted to wear so badly...but at my own wedding.

"Ok I'm ready!" I told Y/N. She was wearing just an all white tux I remember buying her a while ago.

(Their outfits)

(Their outfits)

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I watched as she scanned my whole body hungrily

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I watched as she scanned my whole body hungrily.

"Yeah Thank god your not wearing that at our wedding" she said as she palmed her cock through her pants.

"What? Why?"

"Because I would've fucked you for hours. There would be no wedding" she said and I felt my cheeks get hot. I grabbed her hand and led her to her black truck.

I kept looking at the card and I noticed it said that Y/N would be the best man.

"Umm babe" I called her and she hummed in response. "You know your the best man?"

"Not the fuck I" she pointed at herself and I laughed. "Camila I don't even know him"

"I know, it took me by surprise also. If your still the best man I'm just gonna need you to go up there quietly and behave ok" I put my hand on her knee and she took a deep breath before nodding.

We drove the rest of the way in silence. I knew she was mad that she was the best man. She didn't like him and yet she's the best man.

We parked the car and started to walk towards the wedding, which was in the middle of some really nice park.

"Camila?" I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Matthews parents. I hid my face in Y/N and acted like I didn't hear them. But they called again. Y/N wiped my tear away before we turned around.

"Hi Mr and mrs hussey" I said and I gave his mom a hug along with his dad.

"Wow Camila you look so good. And who's this" she gave Y/N a hug and I fake smiled.

"Thank you. This is my fiancé" I grabbed Y/Ns arm tightly and looked at my finger and then hers.

About a week after she proposed she told me it was just supposed to be a promise ring but she changed it. Now she has a matching one exactly like mine.

"Wow a fiancé. It's good you moved on. But why? My Matthew is such a good guy" I put my head down and gripped Y/Ns arms even tighter.

"Yes a good guy" Y/N said sarcastically but I don't think they caught in to it. "They just didn't work. But look, Camila's happy and Matthews happy without each other right" she said and they nodded.

"It was nice talking to you again Camila. Have a good day" she said before walking away with her husband.

"They are just like him" Y/N mumbled and I giggled. She was not wrong about that. "Let's Get you seated. I have to stand up the whole time" she rolled her eyes.

She walked me to my seat and got me comfortable before she walked over to her spot and stood still. About an hour later ty was standing in his spot and we were just waiting for Matthew.

I looked at Y/N who was obviously tired of standing. She tapped her watch and I shrugged my shoulders. Wedding music started playing and I picked up my water before standing up and turning around like everyone else.

I was drinking my water when I seen the funniest thing in the whole entire world. MATTHEW WAS WEARING A WHOLE DRESS!!

I started having a whole choking fit and everyone's eyes were on me. I was coughing so hard I literally started crying. "I can't *cough* breath" I said and someone rushed to me and started patting my back.

Once I was okay Matthew continued walking while I continued laughing in my head.

"Jesus I can't!" I whispered and laughed into my hands.

To me continued...

————————————————————(I'm writing this on all my books)
Don't be mad if I just suddenly disappear cuz I'm pretty sure I have bad grades so that mostly likely means my mom will be taking my phone sometime soon💀💀

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