nostalgia: i cant put it in to words apparently

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when i look back on you
i hope it's in a haze of pink
i hope you taste like bubble gum
pop pop popping on my cheek

when i look back at young summer
i think of Emily Dickinson poems
and of freshly cut grass pressing into my back
but mostly i think of you

when i rummage through autumn
i find a half folded photograph
stick it in my favorite book and listen to
the arctic monkeys tracks

as winter rears it's head for a turn
i remember how i held the warmth
like a dying bird in my little hands
or my grandma's hot chocolate

when i see spring and it's lively eyes
i feel a smile swell up inside
for the gray is happiest of all
because i was born in rainy contradiction

i don't think we ever truly move on

a/n: ugh I hate this and I have no inspiration,,,

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