make it rhyme: rhyming for rhyming's sake

212 23 2

for me, this is easy
the back and the forth
and although i feel queasy
you make up for it in warmth

because all crimes of action
and passion and play
make my head dizzy
with wicked dismay

i could bring Shakespeare into this but
he bit the dust
"a rose by any other name..."
jesus christ, just shut up

i'm trying to be melancholy
not merely romantic
my attempts at fermenting
have been pedantic

i'm not fucking writing you a sonnet about
how easily you make me lose my mouth
or how the sun looks in your messy hair
or how much i despise this stupid affair


take me out
with a gun
or to dinner
either one
i'm open to
sooner or later

a/n: this is shitty. please disregard.

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