dawn: from eons ago

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i can see you now
a hazy pale slip of a thing
we chase each other around fence posts and through fair mornings steeped in heavenly fog
you are ever present and ever bearing
slipping between eyelashes
brimming the sidewalk cracks
i'd hate for you to die everyday on that same horizon
but the great big eye grants a subtle rebirth
going unnoticed and quiet as still pools
and you go on living like the very dirt relies on your pressed finger tips to break down the natural decay
every surface pulls you in
shimmering off a spiders web
blinking at 7am
i realize there is nothing subtle about you
only the illusion of it
the constant companionship creates a steady normalcy
but when i question you and fill my own head with empty weight
your only answer is a clementine light cast down from eons ago
a prophecy of my concern
landing unscathed and gentle on my worried upper lip

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