euphoria: eve speaks of fruit skin and all that came after

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how splendid
an appetite to enslave the masses
a love so bent it
could barely fit back into a rib cage
like it used to

when eve was framed the world fell in step with man's rule
and food became woman and woman became food
she told me when she took the first bite
it felt like dancing without movement
sound without ears
she could feel the world
weighty in her pelvis
it's not that it wasn't there before
just that a flood gate had been opened
the oxygen finally free to enter her brain
and she was power
and power was her blood, was her pain

she said evenings are her namesake
because the sun sets on her creations
"i am that god. that earthly womb. the universe incarnate. when i thoughtfully chewed on that bright red skin
i knew joy
and understood sin
nothing has consequences in concern to His rule
i am your consequence your sequence your caretaker
when you breathe i smile and the day you struggle to, i cry

lilith sings protest songs
and we laugh at the stones stacked up into cowardly walls
and manmade borders and pathetic gates for all looks the same from up here
and we kiss until love is the only acceptable form of righteousness
like air is a finite resource and it's almost up
i am not your god. you are.
i am your euphoria
and your sadness
weak ribs and all, may you live gladly
and may you eat whatever looks tempting for this choice in death is what makes us holy"

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