heaven/hell: cream queen

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caramel curls coiled
like smoke around the forefinger
beget this fine creature, oh god
no one sired her
those tears are no more than glass beads
collected in a bottle and sold
at the highest of prices, no less
i could eat you up like whipped cream
to reach your sugar high would be
my finest of achievements
a knock on your door
do you anticipate me?
wise thing
unfeeling and unapproachable lady
lay thine kiss upon mine head
oh dear
lucifer isn't half as harsh as your hearthstone eyes evaporating the hair from my flesh
he could burn me yes
but hell fire holds no candle to
this divine pain
this blunt and refined brand
you appear as sweet as murder is kind but
you taste like pure cane
like honey cream
i pray at your alter slathered in pastry
and sometimes we kill out of mercy
oh, my lord
my queen
i am famished
feed me and i shall yield all

a/n: last year I was so inspired and was writing every single day and now my mind runs circles around the same subjects and I'm so tired all the time. I'm trying to catch up I swear!

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