chemical reaction: lover

118 13 2

i want to be so completely adored
all seams pulled loose
want to be love-crazed to the point of calamity
run screaming through the house because he loves me
jump out of a window and melt on the street
under lights like hot lamps
because she loves me
my love language is morning coffee
i want kisses from a sleep stale mouth imperfect to the point of perfection
want to worship the crook of your elbow
and run down the bridge of your nose

it's so easy pining after
something you don't have
when you've never had a taste
and telling yourself you enjoy it
even if it's bitter

but the explosion in my brain
told me it's okay to smile now
i wonder if that's love
the little mushroom cloud
or if we ever love people
or just what they can give us
or if we ever love people or
just the concept of love itself

a/n: she's very blunt and clumsy but not everything has to be a masterpiece i guess. as if any of mine are lol

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