it's the end of the world: and here it is

186 17 7

heat, heat blistering
tea kettle hiss
a hasty dry kiss
cut short

van gogh's ear lobe
simmers on the stove
peeling away from itself
fried dead

we stroke each other's necks
whisper in sweaty panic
reassuring into napes
that it won't hurt

as sirens swell into
a glorious, operatic climax
and the steel sky rushes past
into a cracked ozone

poured out into space
like liquified human
like life giving breakfast
or death taking hellfest, dancing

Frost's words echo
a scream into the cosmos
as heat and cold
converge into nothing

and, oh god !
oh, mother all mighty
if only we had loved in the face of life
as we do in the face of death

a/n: we're gonna nuke each other up, boys.

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