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"ice cream!!" i smiled, as Simon handed me my cup.

"thank you bubba." i grinned, thanking Simon for everything.

"of course. i would do anything for you." he said, leaning over and kissing my cheek, before leaving the parking lot.

"i love you Si." i smiled.

"i love you more bella."

"i seriously haven't been this happy in years." i said, realizing how much this boy means to me.

"honestly me too." he said.

"i love that for us." i giggled.

i plugged my phone into the aux cord and started blasting Disney music, because that's something Simon and i have always done, ever since we started hanging out.

"HAKUNA MATATA!" i yelled.

"ITS OUR PROBLEM FREEEE, PHILOSOPHYYYY HAKUNA MATATA." we yelled, seeming like complete idiots, but it was our thing, and we didn't care.

once we arrived at the house, we watched grabbed some bags, and our ice cream, and headed up the lift.

i unlocked the door, and we walked in, setting the bags down at the kitchen table.

"tea?" i asked.

"yes please." he smiled, taking a seat.

"i have sweet tea in the fridge or do you want hot tea?" i asked him, because i love both and didn't care.

"sweet tea is good." he smiled.

i grabbed the pitcher out of the refrigerator and poured some into two coffee mugs.

i grabbed them both and set one in front of simon, and one in front of the seat i chose.

"thank you." he said, sipping on the tea.

"of course." i replied, as we dug into the bags picking out our favorite snacks.

after we ate loads and loads of food, we decided to go to my room and watch some movies.

but before that happened, shit got heated and we did some stuff, that even i don't want to tell you.

but soon after, we fell asleep watching friends. our favorite TV show to watch together.

i'm so sorry i forgot to update literally for forever

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