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We all were sitting at the table now.

The paramedics came in not that long ago and got JJ's body, they said he was long gone.

I had texted the Olatunji's, and they were on their way down to the hospital.

Deji was upset, well, in reality, they all were.

We lost JJ and Simon all in twenty-four hours.

I can't believe it. I have no clue how we all are going to survive.

They were the glue to this group. JJ was full of jokes and happiness. Simon was caring and sweet. He loved everyone and made sure everyone was happy and had everything they needed or even wanted.

they held our little group together.

"i'm scared for what is gonna happen to us." tobi spoke up.

"yeah. same." i managed to get out.

we all knew what was gonna happen to us sooner or later.

slowly each and every one of us is going to start getting pecked off.

first simon, then JJ, and who knows next.

"tobi i don't know what to do anymore. i lost my soulmate and i lost my best friend." i said as tears came flowing out of my eyes and i knew this time they weren't going to stop.

"it's okay Bella." he said, placing his hand on my knee out of comfort

"no. Tobi, it's not. and it won't be. we just lost our best friends. they were the glue to our friendship." i said, rubbing my eyes.

"i know." he said, rubbing his eyes as well.

"bella, i don't think i can do this anymore." harry said.

"harry, don't do anything dumb." i said getting up and walking over to him.

he started backing away.

"harry i'm being fucking serious." i said trying to hold onto him before i lost him.

"so am i bella." he said running towards the kitchen.

"don't you fucking dare." i said bolting after him, the boys following.

he was standing by the fridge, so i tackled him, bringing him to the ground.

"Harry please don't." i said even more tears falling, as i sat on top of him with my legs on either side of him, and pinning his arms, making it so he couldn't move away.

"Bella i cant do this. i lost them. i loved them so much let me be with them." he said tears falling from the brims of his eyes.

"Harry think about everything you are losing, your family, your fans, your friends, us." i said.

"Bella i love you. but i need to do this."

"No harry. you don't. i fucking love you too much to let you." i said crying, letting him sit up.

"i love you too but please." he cried.

i wrapped my arms around him so tight.

"bella what are you doing." josh said.

"i'm hugging him because he's gonna do it one way or another. and i know this might be the last time i see him." i replied.

we all stood up and gathered in a group hug. a few moments passed and we all took a bunch of photos together, knowing exactly what was gonna happen.

i pulled harry to the hall so i could talk to him alone for a moment.

"hey." he said, a small smile appearing.

"hey lewis." i replied, tearing up.

"don't cry." he said wiping my eyes.

"i can't. i'm losing you. but i have a lot to say to you." i said.

"say it now or forever hold your piece." he said making us both chuckle.

"i'm gonna miss you so much." i said.

"not as much as i'll miss you B." he said, shedding a few tears.

"look at that. you're crying lewis." i said, making him chuckle.

"i know i know." he answered.

"okay. so i'm just gonna rant okay?" i laughed lightly.

"go on."

"so. you are my bestest friend. the others come close but you'll always be my main bitch, lewis. but, it really hurts losing you because you remind me so much of simon. from your hair, to the way you dress, to the jokes, to almost everything you remind me of him. i love you lewis, and i've always had the closest bond with you. and it stings like a mother fucker knowing that there is no way i can save you and i just want you to know that i love your dumbass so so so much, and i fucking hate you for this but i'm gonna miss you." i said finally breaking and falling into his arms.

"i love you so fucking much and i need you to tell my fans i'm sorry and i love them, and apologize to my family for me." he said crying so much at this point.

"i'll do all of that if you do two things for me." i said, wiping my tears.

"of course."

"tell simon i love him. tell him it sucks that we never got married, and that we never had our baby." i said crying more just thinking about it.

"and make sure you tell JJ he's a dumb prick but i love him." i added.

"will do." he smiled.

"i love you lewis." i smiled.

"i love you bitch." he said, tears falling from both of our eyes.

i kissed his cheek, and walked away.

we all said our goodbyes, and harry left the apartment. we had the news turned on because we knew what story was coming.

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