2.2:"Young love"

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She wasn't sure what time it was or how long she had stayed in. She was able to hear their loud sounds but not now. But, her body was numb now because of sitting on the cold ground and it feels hot all over as the water had drenched her completely.

Allah! Please help me.

She wasn't just not moving because she couldn't. She wasn't moving because her painful memories had emotionally drained her life again. She remembers being closed in dark places for a long time to be safe. She wasn't even safe. She shivered and cried alone one last time and then she lost herself.

He wasn't sure why he was so restless all night but he was. His mind was too tired to work properly so when the sun was out he started walking out of his room hoping for another awesome breakfast.

Wait! Breakfast?. HANAN

He took hurried steps towards the kitchen and he stumbles causing him to fall down a few steps but he ran quickly towards the kitchen opening the drawer and his heart stopped. There she was still sitting like he left her yesterday but her eyes were not opened.

His breathing stopped.

He quickly sat down shaking her a little to have any kind of reaction even anger he would take it all. Just to have her open her beautiful brown eyes to look at him that was all he needed.

He pulled her out of the small place and carried her to his room. He shakes her but she didn't even move. He called the doctor who will be here in a few minutes but she was drenched and he knows enough to know she needed to change.

He had to do it so he closed the lights darkening the room pulling his own large sweater. He removed her clothes pulling his sweater over her head. All he used was his hand to locate everything and once he was done he placed her gently back switching the lights on. She was only in his sweater now.

The doctor soon came and informed him she needed complete rest and medication from tomorrow since she won't be awake today because of the injection that will keep her asleep.

He sighs knowing at least she will be fine. Then the guilt started kicking in. He was the one who placed her there and it was he who had to take her out and he didn't.

His heart-break.

He saw how pale her beautiful face was now it lacked that pink blush that was always there and the glow. Her amazing brown eyes that looked at him and that breathtaking smile she has on her face.

There was nothing.

Just silence, his pain and him.

He wanted her to get back and hit him hard. He wouldn't even fight back and take as much as she wanted to give him.

Just wake up, please.

He heard the prayer and he was quick to do his ablution then walked back placing his mat and reading his prayers.

He raised his hands looking at her face, "Please, Allah, I have done so wrong to that poor soul please give me a chance to do better. Please, give her health back and please cure her illness. Please let us be together. Ameen".

After he was done, he brought an extra blanket covering her more and a bowl with cold water and cloth placing it on her head. He wasn't sure when he dosed off but he heard her cries that woke him quickly.

"Ammi, Ammi, Ammi (mother)". She cried moving restlessly on the bed

He looked at her and she wouldn't stop moving he wasn't sure and he begged her to open her eyes which she didn't. Then he did what his heart told him he went to the other side of the bed laying beside her and pulling her to his chest.

The Tales of love- INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ